Wednesday, April 9, 2014


If you continue in my word, you are truly my disciples; and you will know the truth,
and the truth will make you free.
John 8:31-32

Wednesday Prayer

Uncertainty in the workplace causes me a great deal of angst, O God.  Unemployment is a lingering concern in many households.  Though I may have a stable source of income, I know of so many people who do not.  How can I be still and free from worry with so much uncertainty swirling about at work?  Fill the earth with your peace.  Let your peace prevail in the marketplace so that stable employment might be plentiful.  As I take up the crosses of work, remind me to care for those without work.  Let me be a source of peace and comfort to them in their time of need. Amen.

Wednesday Meditation

The basis of the Christian community is not the family tie or social or economic equality, or shared oppression or complaint, or mutual attraction… but the divine call.  The Christian community is not the result of human efforts.  God has made us into his people by calling us out of “Egypt” to the “New Land,” out of the desert to the fertile ground, out of slavery to freedom, out of our sin to salvation, out of captivity to liberation.  All these words and images give expression to the fact that the initiative belongs to God and that he is the source of our new life together.  By our common call to the New Jerusalem, we recognize each other on the road as brothers and sisters.
-          Henri Nouwen

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