Call it a
Call it a
Call it a
Call it a
Whatever you
call it
Whoever you
You need one
~ Jane Howard
Every child needs to have a place that they call family. Whether that is with the parents that had them, grandparents, adopted parents or the church or a combination of all of them. Every child, every person, needs to have a group of people that they can rely on. That support them and love them no matter what happens. This is vital in the growth of a child. If they don't it has a huge impact on their adult lives. The studies have shown and life has shown that many children who don't have a group of people they can call family or at least say they can call on them grow up to commit crimes, have broken relationships, and become abusive. How can we create that feeling of family or tribe within our children and youth? It is as simple as doing these ten things:
One: Meeting their everyday needs
We need to make sure that we are looking out for the daily needs of those around us. To help others feel safe and secure in all situations. Loving each other like we would want to be loved. Giving more praises than criticism. Smile at everyone you pass by even when you don't feel like it. Allow conversations to happen, ask people questions (even when it is uncomfortable). Listen more than talk. Always be open to learning new things. Pay close attention to the feelings of those around you. Rewards and special treats that mean something to the other person. Making sure that it is something that will remind them that they are special to you.
“This is part of what a family is about, not just love. It's knowing that your family will be there watching out for you. Nothing else will give you that. Not money. Not fame. Not work.” - Morrie
As adults we need this too. We need to be reminded that we are loved and receive praises from others. We should never go a day without learning new things. Putting our listening ears first but never shutting out someones thoughts they are sharing. Listening to the unspoken words of those around us. Love takes time. Family takes time and effort. But the reward for both are un-measurable.
So this week, if you know of a youth or child that doesn't have a tribe that they belong to. Take them out for lunch or to a movie. For those who do have children and youth, try to do all ten things this week and see what difference it makes in your children's lives. Number ten is not just for them, there is a reward we get back if we are faithful in caring for these blessings God has given us.
"Children are a gift from the LORD; a productive womb, the LORD's reward." Psalm 127:3