Tuesday, January 20, 2015

The Story Part 5 and 6

Part 5 - The New Rules
After Pharaoh had let the Israelite people go they went into the dessert and forgot about the things God had just done for them.  They disobeyed the rules that Moses had given them and made idols.
So God gave them 10 simple rules to follow.
Read: Exodus 20:1–17
1. Do not put any other gods in place of me. 2. Do not make statues of gods that look like anything in the sky or on the Earth or in the waters.     Do not bow to them or worship them. 3. Do not misuse the name of the Lord your God. The Lord will find guilty anyone who misuses his     name.  4. Remember to keep the Sabbath day holy. The seventh day is a Sabbath in honor of the Lord your    God. Do not do any work on that day. 5. Honor your father and mother. Then you will live a long time in the land the Lord your God is    giving you.  6. Do not commit murder. 7. Do not commit adultery. 8. Do not steal. 9. Do not give false witness against your neighbor. 10. Do not long for anything that belongs to your neighbor.
Watch this movie for the whole story: The Ten Commandments

Part 6 - Wandering
Narrator 1: Hundreds of years ago, God promised to make Abraham into a father of nations and give him the land of Canaan. By the time of our story, Abraham had too many relatives to count, and they were about to move into a new land—the land God promised. 
Narrator 2: God spoke to Moses, the leader of the Israelites. He said, “Send some men to check out the land of Canaan. I am giving it to the people of Israel.” So Moses sent 12 spies to check out the land of Canaan. 
Narrator 1: Moses had a lot of questions: 
Moses: Are the people who live there strong or weak? Is the land good or bad? Do the towns have high walls? Are there trees or not? Is it rich land or poor land? Inquiring minds want to know. (Numbers 13:18–20b)
Spy 1: We spied our way through the desert and finally came to a valley.
Spy 2: And what a valley! We spied grapes growing so big that a single bunch took up a whole branch. Two of us carried it on a pole.
Spy 3: Don’t forget the figs and pomegranates. 
Spy 1: We spied into the hill country and down by the Jordan River. It was like the land flowed with milk and honey. This was good land!  
Spy 2: But we also spied the cities, and the cities had high walls around them.
Spy 3: And we spied the people who lived behind the high walls. They were powerful! 
Narrator 1: For 40 days, the 12 spies walked through the land God had promised to give the Israelites.
Narrator 2: Finally, it was time to go home and give a report.
Moses: What have you got to say for yourselves?
Narrator 1: Ten spies gave one report. 
Spy 1: It’s a very good land, but the people who live there are big and scary. 
Spy 2: Yeah, big and scary.
Spy 3: Yeah, really big and scary.
Narrator 2: But two spies gave a different report. Caleb stood up to talk. 
Caleb: We should go up and take the land. We can do it!
Spy 1: We can’t attack those people! They are stronger than we are.
Spy 2: Yeah, big and scary!
Spy 3: Yeah, really big and scary!
Spy 1: Next to them, we are grasshoppers!
Narrator 1: The Israelites didn’t know what to think! They sobbed out loud during the night. But Caleb and his friend Joshua were not going to give up. (Exodus 14:1)
Caleb: If the Lord is pleased with us, he’ll lead us into that land. It’s a land that has plenty of milk and honey. He’ll give it to us. Don’t be afraid. The Lord is with us!
Narrator 2: But the people believed the ten spies. All the Israelites did was complain! God decided to punish them for doubting he could defeat the large people of Canaan. 
Narrator 1: God said only Caleb and Joshua could live in the Promised Land, because they believed God and not the bad reports of the other spies. (Exodus 14:30)
Narrator 2: So for 40 years, the Israelites complained and wandered in the desert, until all the grown-ups had died. Their children grew up and were ready to go into the new land God had promised with Caleb and Joshua. 
Narrator 1: We can always be confident in God’s promise as we spy our way through the adventures of our lives.

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