LESSON 27: The Resurrection
Timeless Truth: Jesus fulfilled the prophecies by rising from the
Bible Basis: Matthew 28:2-8; Luke 24:36-49; John 21:1-6; Matthew 28:16-20
Key Verse: “He is not here! He has risen, just as he said he would”
(Matthew 28:6).
Get the Point:
Preschool: God raised Jesus from the dead. God gives
me new life, too.
Elementary: God raised Jesus from the dead. God
gives me new life, too.
Middle/High School: Jesus was raised from the dead to give
us everlasting life. Jesus ascended to heaven and leaves his followers to
continue his work in the world.
Table Talk
• Imagine
showing up to Jesus’ tomb and finding it empty with an angel sitting on top of
the stone. What would you have done? Would you have been scared like the
• The
angel reminded the women that Jesus said he’d rise from the dead—and he did.
Jesus always does what he says. What are some of Jesus’ other promises?
• Have
you ever gone from being really sad to super happy? That’s what happened to the
women who found the empty tomb. Tell your story.
• When
the women told the disciples Jesus had risen, two of them—John and Peter—ran to
it. Why do you think the rest of them didn’t go too?
• Why is
the empty tomb such great news to Jesus’ followers back then and today?
Note: Young readers will enjoy “God’s
Wonderful Surprise” on pages 310-317 in the
Jesus Storybook Bible.
• Jesus
appeared to several different people after rising from the dead. Each incident
was very different. Talk about each one:
- Mary
Magdalene was doubled-over crying at the tomb when Jesus showed up and she
didn’t recognize him. Why do you think she didn’t recognize him? Why did Jesus
not want her to hold onto him?
- Cleopas
and a friend were walking to Emmaus when Jesus started talking to them about
recent events. Jesus explained what all the Scriptures said about him. When
Cleopas and his friend recognized Jesus, he disappeared. How surprised do you
think they were? What did they learn from Jesus?
- When
Jesus appeared to the disciples, he asked for something to eat. Why did he do
that? Talk about what it would’ve been like for the disciples to see their
beloved Jesus again.
- Thomas
missed Jesus’ first appearance to the disciples and said he wouldn’t believe unless
he touched the holes in Jesus’ hands. When Jesus appeared, Thomas believed without touching the holes. Why?
- Jesus
said people are more blessed who believe without seeing. How does that make you
feel about your relationship with Christ?
• Do you think you’ll be able to
appear in different places when you’re in heaven?
Living Faith
When the stone rolled away, the
tomb was empty. Jesus had risen! Make some empty tomb rolls to celebrate Jesus’
resurrection. You’ll need a tube of prepackaged crescent rolls, jumbo
marshmallows, butter, cinnamon and sugar. These rolls make a great breakfast
treat or add a sweet taste to dinner.
all the ingredients together and gather your family. Have somebody separate the
dough into triangles. Overlap two of the triangles and roll them out, so they
stick together. Brush a little butter on the dough and sprinkle with cinnamon
and sugar. Place a marshmallow inside the dough and pinch all the ends together
to cover it. It’s important that the dough completely covers the marshmallow,
so it’s totally enclosed in a “tomb.” Follow these same steps with all the
dough. Bake the rolls according to the directions on the package. Allow to
cool. When you bite into these golden brown “tombs,” they’re now empty—just
like Jesus’ tomb on Easter morning! Praise God for raising Jesus from the dead.
Extra Mile
rising from the dead may be the most history-altering event ever recorded. When
Christ defeated death, he also defeated the devil’s schemes that started back
in the Garden of Eden. By eating the fruit, Adam and Eve created a separation
between humans and God. Satan doesn’t want us to have a relationship with our
heavenly Father. Jesus’ perfect life, death and resurrection make it possible
for us to know God intimately again.
Watch this church video that
re-enacts what this epic battle between God and Satan, using Carman’s song “The
Champion.” Go to godtube.com and watch “The Champion – Music Videos” (8:48).
After you’ve watched the video, talk
about what it’s like to know God personally. Jesus’ resurrection dealt the
ultimate blow to Satan, but the devil still tries to trap us in sin and make us
forget Jesus’ sacrifice. Commit as a family to live a victorious life with
LESSON 28: New Beginnings
Timeless Truth: The Holy Spirit helps God’s people to spread Jesus’
Bible Basis: Acts 1:2-11, 2:1-6, 23-24, 32-33, 42-47, 8:4-8, 9:1-9, 17-19
Key Verse: “All of them were filled with the Holy Spirit. They began to
speak in languages they had not known. The Spirit gave them the ability to do
this” (Acts 2:4).
Get the Point:
Preschool: God gives his people the Holy
Spirit. The Holy Spirit can live inside
Elementary: God gives his people the Holy
Spirit. The Holy Spirit can live inside
Middle/High School: Through his gift of the Holy
Spirit, God gives the apostles the power and ability to spread the message of
Table Talk
• When
the disciples preached about Jesus and people saw the truth, the believers
started eating and praying together. The Bible says they “shared everything.”
Do you think this was hard for Jesus’ followers?
• What
would be the hardest thing for you to share?
• Why did
the early Christians help each other out so much?
• Do you
think Christians still look for ways to share with each other?
• This
chapter of The Story says Jesus’
followers had hearts that were “glad and honest and true.” How do you think
they showed that?
• Talk a
little about being glad, honest and true. If you could always live that way,
how do you think people would look at you?
Note: Young readers will enjoy “God
Sends Help” and “A New Way to See” on pages 326-341 in the Jesus Storybook Bible.
Middle/High School
• This
chapter contains a powerful verse that says, “Salvation is found in no one
else, for there is no other name given under heaven by which we must be saved.”
What does that mean?
• People
try to earn salvation in many other ways. What are some areas where people try
to save themselves?
• As
faith grew in the early church, so did persecution. Peter and John were beaten
and arrested. Stephen was stoned to death. Why didn’t Christ’s followers just
give up and hide?
• Why do
you think faith thrives when there is persecution?
• Saul
led the persecution against the Christians until he met (and was blinded) by
Jesus Christ. Would you have trusted Saul after he said he was a believer?
• Why do
you think Jesus chose to save Saul instead of having him walk off a cliff?
• Do you think being a Christian
is too easy where you live? What’s the hardest part?
Living Faith
The early church cared and
provided for each other. That’s an example we can follow today. All churches
have families that need a hand. To help your church body, have family members
go through their rooms to find items to sell. If you want to take this idea to
the next level, coordinate with your church. Encourage your congregation to
bring donated items to the church or your home (if you have a place to store
them). Help host a garage sale in your church parking lot or your neighborhood.
You can put details of where to bring donations in the church bulletin or ask
the pastor to make an announcement.
you’ve gathered items, figure out a date for the sale. An ad in the local
newspapers, signs on the road or a mention on craigslist can get the word out.
Make sure the people buying the goods know that all the money is going to help
less fortunate families. Encourage your family to get involved by organizing
items and manning tables. Coordinate with other families at church. Many hands
make light work, so get as many people involved as possible.
some planning and a lot of effort, your family can reach out in a tangible way
to your church. You can make a difference!
Extra Mile
in the early church sacrificed for each other. Rich people sold their land and
helped the poor. Strong people defended and protected the weak. Two brothers
can teach everybody something about real caring. Go to YouTube and watch “Sports
Illustrated Kids 2012 SportsKids of the Year: Conner and Cayden Long (OFFICIAL)”
Answer these questions. Is Conner a
hero? Who benefits more, Conner or Cayden? What one lesson do you want to take
away and apply to your own life? What does their story teach you about
unconditional love?
LESSON 29: Paul’s Mission
Timeless Truth: Without Jesus, all fall short of God’s glory.
Bible Basis: Acts 16:16–36; 1 Thessalonians 1:2–5, 3:9–13, 4:16–18, 5:16–28; 1
Corinthians 1:10, 12:12–18, 27, 13:1–7, 15:21-22, 16:23–24; Galatians 5:22–25,
Key Verse: “He asked, ‘Sirs, what must I do to be saved?’ They replied,
‘Believe in the Lord Jesus’ ” (Acts 16:30-31)
Get the Point:
Preschool: Jesus saves us if we believe in him. I
can choose to believe.
Elementary: Jesus saves us if we believe in him. I
can choose to believe.
Middle/High School: Following Jesus and spreading his
message is not always easy, but builds our character.
Table Talk
• Paul
and Silas traveled around preaching about God. Some people loved them; others wanted
to hurt them. One time they were arrested and chained up in jail. Instead of
feeling sorry for themselves, they sang and prayed to God. Why were they doing
• How
would you act if you were thrown in jail? Would you sing? Would you be scared?
• Why
weren’t Paul and Silas scared?
• A
powerful earthquake opened all the jail doors and made the chains fall off. Why
didn’t Paul and Silas escape?
• The
jailer nearly killed himself when he saw the prison doors open, because his
punishment would’ve been death if the prisoners escaped. But Paul shouted,
“We’re all here.” The jailer immediately wanted to know how to be saved and how
he could serve Paul’s God. Talk about how witnessing with actions can sometimes
be more effective than telling people about God with words.
• Paul
suffered a lot for Jesus Christ. He was blinded, beaten, stoned, jailed. But he
said suffering was good because it creates perseverance, character and hope.
Have you ever suffered for something and then come out better in the end? Tell
that story.
• Paul
warns Christians to stay away from sinful acts, such as sexual immorality,
impurity, idolatry, witchcraft, hatred, jealousy, fits or rage, drunkenness,
etc. Do any things in this list stand out as extremely bad or not so bad sins?
In God’s eyes is all sin the same?
• Looking
at the above list, talk about specific ways you can overcome certain sinful
behaviors. With all the pornography on the Internet and sexualized commercials
on TV, is it harder today to stay pure and sexually moral?
• Paul
writes some great things about love. It’s patient and kind. It’s not envious,
boastful or self-seeking. How does this kind of biblical love differ from the
love that boyfriends and girlfriends say to each other?
• What’s
your favorite part of Paul’s definition of love? (Look up 1 Corinthians 13:4-7)
Living Faith
Paul endured many trails for his faith. Through everything he remained
hopeful and thankful. For this family
activity, you’ll need pieces of colored construction paper, scissors, markers
or pens and glue. Gather your family and explain that Paul spent a lot of times
in chains, but it didn’t let anything dampen his faith. Paul said, “How can we
thank God enough,” (1 Thessalonians 3:9).
Create a thankfulness chain as a
family by cutting construction paper into 8-inch strips that are about
one-and-a-half inches wide. (Regular white paper would work, too.) Have each
family member take five to ten strips of paper. Write down something you’re
thankful for on each strip. Then glue the ends of the strip together to create
a chain link. Make sure the words are on the inside of the link. Interlock the
links as other family members write what they’re thankful for and watch your
chain grow. Try not to say what you’re writing down on your chain. When
everybody’s finished and a long chain is created, hang it over a doorway. Leave
it hanging for a few days and then plan a time to get together as a family
again. Tear off a link of the chain and read what’s on the inside. Have the
person who wrote that message explain why their thankful. Keep going until
you’ve totally dismantled the chain. Thank God for breaking the chains in your
life and giving you so much to be thankful for!
Extra Mile
God doesn’t
want us to live half-heartedly for him. He wants our total commitment. He wants
us to be passionate about the things he’s passionate about. He wants us to have
the faith to persevere like Paul.
Go to YouTube and watch Ray Vander
Laan’s message, “Run! The Passion of Elijah.” If you prefer to show a portion
of this 21:41 video, show the segment from 11:00 to 14:30.
After you’ve watched this video,
talk about Ray’s message.
• Why don’t we live passionate lives
for Jesus?
• Why is it easy to fall into
part-time discipleship?
• How can we live as Christian
Remember: Don’t hold back in your
Christian life. How we live shows others that God is king!
LESSON 30: Paul’s Final Days
Timeless Truth: God’s saving grace is worth more than any earthly
Bible Basis: Acts 20:22–28, 36–38, 22:22–29, 27:1, 9–41, 28:1–10
Key Verse: “I want to complete the work the Lord Jesus has given me. He
wants me to give witness to others about the good news of God’s grace” (Acts
Get the Point:
Preschool: Paul served God with his whole life. God
wants me to serve him, too.
Elementary: Paul served God with his whole life. God
wants me to serve him, too.
Middle/High School: God is always with us as we follow him.
Table Talk
• Paul
says he doesn’t care if he has to go to prison, he wants to finish the work
that God gave him—which is to witness to others about God’s love. What are some
ways you can show and tell others about God’s love?
• What
kind of job do you want to do when you grow up? How can you serve God in that
• The
Holy Spirit protected Paul many times, but the Spirit also prompted Paul to go
to Jerusalem where he knew he’d be arrested. Who also went to Jerusalem even
though he knew he’d be arrested? (Jesus)
• By
being arrested, Paul got to share about Jesus with a lot of Romans. Do you
think that’s part of why God allowed Paul to be arrested?
• Can you
always see how God’s plans are going to turn out? Do think God usually shows
you his plan one step at a time?
• Paul is clear that salvation is
a gift from God—nothing that’s deserved or can be earned. Since the Bible is so
clear, why do people still believe they’ll go to heaven because of their good
• Why is it easy to get caught up
comparing yourself with other people, instead of to God’s standard?
• Paul writes that “all Scripture
is God-breathed.” What does that mean?
• God’s Word is powerful and
useful. Paul mentions four specific things where the Bible is helpful (2
Timothy 3:16). Look at each one:
How is the Bible helpful in teaching?
- How
does the Bible rebuke us?
- In what
ways can the Bible correct us?
- Why is
training in righteousness important?
- Think
of verses where the Bible teaches, rebukes, corrects and trains.
Living Faith
shipwreck on Malta is one of the most exciting stories in the Bible. As soon as
everybody is safely on land, Paul goes to gather firewood and is bitten by a
poisonous snake. Paul shakes the snake into the fire as the Maltese people wait
for him to swell up and drop dead. But God saves him, and Paul’s able to share
about Jesus Christ and see many people come to faith over the next three
Put on a family play by creating a
snake puppet from an old sock and two buttons. Sew on the buttons for eyes. If
you have any red felt or material, cut out a small piece in a forked shape and
sew it on as a tongue. You can create two snakes, have the snake talking to
Paul or do a snake monologue. Read Acts 27:13-28:10 for background. Ad lib your
lines for the play by using one of these ideas:
1. Have two snakes talking to each
other. One snake is kind of singed, since it just bit Paul and was thrown into
a fire. This snake is upset because Satan (who once took the form of a serpent)
told him to go bite Paul, but nothing happened. In fact, not only is Paul OK,
but the islanders think he’s a god and want Paul to tell them about Jesus. The
snake is bummed because Satan’s plan isn’t working out. The two snakes get more
and more agitated, because God’s power always seems to defeat Satan’s plan.
2. Snake talking to Paul after
biting him. Snake is confused because Paul’s not dying. The snake says stuff
like, “I put the poison in you, right?” Paul can explain that God is more
powerful than any poison. Paul can explain God’s purpose for life. At the end,
Paul casts the snake into the fire.
3. Snake monologue. Have the snake
give all the details of the day. Again, the snake is singed after escaping from
the fire. He retells watching 276 people wash up on the beach and start to
build a fire, how he bit Paul, how Paul didn’t die, how Paul was taken to the
chief official of the island and healed his father. The snake is amazed at
God’s power shown through Paul.
Have family members take turns
playing different parts.
Extra Mile
God can use anything in life for his
glory. Sometimes we cannot see the complete picture. This week play Tag-Team
Drawings. Each member of the family sits at the table with his or her own color
marker and a piece of paper. At "Go," everyone have 30 seconds to
begin a drawing.
When the
time is up, everyone moves clockwise to the next paper, gives it a quarter
turn, and has 30 seconds to continue the drawing. Continue in this manner, with
the paper being given a quarter turn by each new artist, until everyone has
added to each drawing.
Talk about the following questions as
a family:
Did you know how the picture was going to
turn out when you first started drawing?
Do we know how things turn out when things go
bad? How can we trust during those situations?
Talk about a time in your life that God used
something bad for good.
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