Friday, December 9, 2016

Advent Week 2: Friday

Family Scripture Reading:
Luke 2:4-6
Joseph also went up from Galilee, from the city of Nazareth, to Judea, to the city of David which is called Bethlehem, because he was of the house and family of David, in order to register along with Mary, who was engaged to him, and was with child. While they were there, the days were completed for her to give birth.

Take a walk or if it is to cold have them walk around the house till they say they are to tired to go on.  Then read the Scripture verse and explain that they had to travel a long way to get to Bethlehem.  The city that was told to be where the baby Jesus was to be born.  As a few I wonder questions… example “I wonder if their feet got tired?”

For this food for our journey,
we thank you, loving God.
For this time of friendship,
we thank you, loving God.
For all the blessings of this life,
We thank you, loving God.

Family Application: Grab a box of spoons or just some from the drawer and explain that spoon prayer (below).  Have each person or if the child is to young help them say it.  Take a piece of paper and write out the spoon prayer.  Put in the slots things that apply to your family.  For example under saying sorry, write something about the wrongs that have been done and how we are sorry for what we did and that they are now forgiven.  Under praise, what are ways that your family can praise God today?  What blessings has he given?  Under others, who are the people that you as a family can be in prayer for?   Needs, are not our wants, they are things like spending more time as a family or need a new car or house. 

An example of a gift / Family Craft Project—  When you are out as a family, pay for someone’s meal or buy coffee for someone.  Find a way to give to a stranger and give them a Christmas card that you have signed or drawn on as a family.

Spoons Prayer
The letters of SPOON can be used as a framework for prayer:
S - saying sorry
P - praise
O - others
O - ourselves
N - needs
Adapted from a Pray Without Ceasing Resource Booklet prepared by the Oxford and Leicester District.

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