Monday, April 10, 2017

Why do we shout Hosanna??

The word that we used in worship yesterday isn't one that we use every week or even very often. The word Hosanna is one we use a lot on Palm Sunday. The children sing songs about it. We shout it as we wave our palms. It is in our hymns. It is even in the scripture that we read. On Palm Sunday we remember when Jesus was met by the people of Jerusalem as he entered the city to celebrate the Passover. The people were excited to see him. They had heard about how he had raised people from the dead, healed the sick, and had done many miracles. As he came into two on the back of a donkey they saw the miracle worker. They shouted Hosanna and laid palms leaves before him. It was a joyful day. Jesus was coming into the city and was going to save them. 
The word Hosanna means "save me, I pray." They not only were celebrating that Jesus was there in the city of Jerusalem, they were asking the one they had heard raised Lazarus from the dead after being dead for days to save them. They knew that he had the power to save them. He still does. It isn't something we just believe we know. We call him Jesus our Savior. 

Psalm 118:25 "LORD, save us! LORD, grant us success!"

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