Sunday, December 2, 2018

Advent! Come, Lord Jesus, Come

This is a crazy noisy world. Even if we manage to turn off the music, news, TV and social media for a while, our inner "noise" can sometimes rush in to fill the void. Even in quiet moments of solitude, our minds race from one thought to the next, from one worry to the next. With Christmas coming quickly, our minds our busier than ever with activities, obligations, and finances.
In those noisy inner moments, let's take a deep breath and remember that Jesus came as a baby. It doesn't get any simpler or smaller than a baby. Jesus didn't come for our Christmas presents, either. He came for us. He wants who we are, not anything we can do.
Today, let's remember baby Jesus and hold him for just a few minutes, quieting our minds and opening our hearts to be filled with his love.

This week pay attention to the "noise" in your life today and those things that you allow to disturb your peace. Whenever possible, turn off the noise, whether it be inside or outside your thoughts, and say a small prayer in its place: "Come, Lord Jesus, come."

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