As we journey through these 52 weeks and making our time count. This week I want you to stop and focus on your relationship with God.
Your children whether you like it or not are modeling what you are doing. A friend of mind wondered why her son keep shuffling his feet when he walked till one day she realized that she was shuffling her feet when she walked in the morning. They imitate what we do, say and even our silence.

Our lives are living testimonies to what we have on the inside and what our priorities are. If we have God in our lives and as our top priority then everything else will fall into place. Easy to say... hard to actually do. It means sacrificing and dealing with tough things in our lives.

There is a story in the Bible about a man who asked Jesus what it would cost to follow Him. When he found out it would cost everything he wasn't to sure he was willing to pay that price. But the way I see it. God paid the ultimate price for me to have life. That my only response is to give Him everything I have and everything I am. To love Him with all of me. Not just an hour a week or 10 minutes in the morning. But every moment.
How much does God loves us? As far as the east is from the west. He loves us enough not to leave us where we are. He wants us to live our lives to the fullest.
Are you willing to make some sacrifices this week to show God how much you love Him? Wake up early, not go to an event to do something at church, give up your evening to go to the Wednesday night Bible study, take notes during the sermon and then share them with someone...
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