Friday, December 25, 2015
Thursday, December 24, 2015
The Crippled Lamb
This is the story of the Crippled Lamb, by Max Lucado.
Once upon a time in a sunny valley, there lived a little lamb Joshua. He was white with black spots, black feet, and… sad eyes.Josh felt sad when he saw the other lambs with snow-white wool and no spots. He felt sad when he saw the other sheep with their moms and dads because he didn’t have a Mom or a Dad. But he felt saddest when he saw the other lambs running and jumping, because he couldn’t.Josh had been born with one leg that didn’t work right. He was crippled. He always limped when he walked. That’s why he always watched while the other lambs ran and played. Josh felt sad and alone—except when Abigail was around.Abigail was Josh’s best friend. She didn’t look like a friend for a lamb. She was an old cow. She was brown with whit blotches that looked like rain puddles on a path. Her belly was as round as a barrel, and her voice was always kind and friendly. Some of Josh’s favorite hours were spent with Abigail.They loved to pretend they were on adventures in distant lands. Josh liked to listen to Abigail tell stories about the stars. They would spend hours on the hill, looking into the valley. They were good friends.But even with a friend like Abigail, Josh still got sad. It made him sad to be the only lamb who could not run and jump and play in the grass. That’s when Abigail would turn to him and say,“Don’t be sad, little Joshua. God has a special place for those who feel left out.”Josh wanted to believe her. But it was hard. Some days he just felt alone.He really felt alone the day the shepherds decided to take the lambs to the next valley where there was more grass. The sheep had been in this valley so long, the ground was nearly bare.All the sheep were excited when the shepherd told them they were going to a new meadow.As they prepared to leave, Josh hobbled over and took his place on the edge of the group. But the others started laughing at him.“You’re too slow to go all the way to the next valley.” “Go back, Slowpoke. We’ll never get there if we have to wait on you!” “Go back, Joshua.”That’s when Josh looked up and saw the shepherd standing in front of him. “They are right, my little Joshua. You better go back. this trip is too long for you. Go and spend the night in the stable.”Josh looked at the man for a long time. Then he turned slowly and began limping away.When Josh got to the top of the hill, he looked down and saw all the other sheep headed toward the green grass. Never before had he felt so left out. A big tear slipped out of his eye, rolled down his nose, and fell on a rock.Just then he heard Abigail behind him. And Abigail said what she always said when Josh felt sad. “Don’t be sad, little Joshua. God has a special place for those who feel left out.” Slowly the two friends turned and walked to the stable together.By the time they got to the little barn, the sun was setting like a big orange ball. Josh and Abigail went inside and began to eat some hay out of the feed box. They were very hungry, and the hay tasted good. For a little while, Joshua forgot that he had been left behind.“Go to sleep, little friend,” Abigail said after they finished eating. “You’ve had a hard day.” Josh was tired… so he lay down in the corner on some straw and closed his eyes. He felt Abigail lie down beside him, and he was glad to have Abigail as a friend.Soon Josh was asleep. At first, he slept soundly, curled up against Abigail’s back. In his sleep he dreamed. He dreamed of running and jumping just like the other sheep. He dreamed of long walks with Abigail through the valley. He dreamed of being in a place where he never felt left out. Suddenly strange noises woke him up.“Abigail,” he whispered, “Wake up. I’m Scared.”Abigail lifted her big head and looked around. The stable was dark except for a small lamp hanging on the wall. “Somebody is in here,” Josh whispered.They looked across the dimly lighted stable. There, lying on some fresh hay in the feed box was a baby. A young woman was resting on a big pile of hay beside the feed box.Joshua looked at Abigail, thinking his friend could tell him what was going on. But Abigail was just as surprised as Josh.Josh looked again at the woman and the child, then limped across the stable. He stopped next to the mother and looked into the baby’s face. The baby was crying. He was cold. The woman picked up the baby and put him on the hay next to her. Josh looked around the stable for something to keep the baby warm. Usually there were blankets. But not tonight – the shepherds had taken them on their trip across the valley. Then Josh remembered his own soft, warm wool.Timidly, he walked over and curled up close to the baby. “Thank you little lamb,” the baby’s mother said softly.Soon the little child stopped crying and went back to sleep. About that time, a man entered the stable carrying some rags. “I’m sorry, Mary” he explained. “This is all the cover I could find.” “It’s okay,” she answered. “This little lamb has kept the new king warm.”A king? Joshua looked at the baby and wondered who he might be.“His name is Jesus.” Mary spoke as if she knew Josh’s question. “God’s Son. He came from heaven to teach us about God.” Just then there was another noise at the door. It was the shepherds—the ones who had left Joshua behind. Their eyes were big and they were excited.“We saw a bright light and heard the angels…” they began. Then they saw Joshua next to the baby. “Joshua! Do you know who this baby is?”“He does now.” It was the young mother who was speaking. She looked at Joshua and smiled.“God has heard your prayers, little lamb. This little baby is the answer.”Joshua looked down at the baby. Somehow he knew this was a special child, and this was a special moment. He also understood why he had been born with a crippled leg. Had he been like the other sheep, he would have been in the valley. But since he was different, he was in the stable, among the first to welcome Jesus into the world.He turned and walked back to Abigail and took his place beside his best friend. “You were right,” he told her. “God does have a special place for me.”
Advent Wreath Reading for Christmas Eve
In the season of
Advent we have used the Advent wreath and its candles to help us get ready for
this great celebration of the birth of Christ.
When we lit the first
purple candle, we asked God to come and be our Good Shepherd. God our Shepherd
has come in Jesus Christ!
(Light first candle - purple)
When we lit the
second purple candle, we asked God to come and forgive our sins. God has come
in Jesus Christ to take our sins and die upon the cross so that we might be
(Light second candle- purple)
When we lit the
third, pink candle, we felt joyful even in our longing for Christ to come.
Christ, who has been born in a manger, will come again in glory to wipe away
every tear from our eyes!
(Light third candle - pink)
When we lit the
fourth candle, we remembered that Christ would come as a son – the son of Mary,
the Son of David, and the Son of God! This Son has been born! He is Immanuel –
God with us!
(Light fourth candle- purple)
Today we celebrate
the birth of Jesus the Christ, Jesus the Good Shepherd, Jesus who forgives our
sins, Jesus who will come again, Jesus the son of Mary, the Son of David, and
the very Son of God!
(Light Christ candle - white)
We light
this candle with great joy and celebration, because Christ is born in
Bethlehem. God’s Son has come into the world to be our Savior! And he will come
again in glory.
Wednesday, December 23, 2015
Advent Week 4
1 O come, O come, Immanuel,
and ransom captive Israel that mourns in lonely exile here until the Son of God
Refrain: Rejoice! Rejoice! Immanuel
shall come to you, O Israel.
2 O come, O Wisdom from on
high, who ordered all things mightily; to us the path of knowledge show and
teach us in its ways to go.
3 O come, O come, great Lord
of might, who to your tribes on Sinai's height in
ancient times did give the
law in cloud and majesty and awe.
4 O come, O Branch of Jesse's
stem, unto your own and rescue them! From depths of hell your people save, and
give them victory o'er the grave.
5 O come, O Key of David,
come and open wide our heavenly home. Make safe for us the heavenward road and
bar the way to death's abode.
6 O come, O Bright and
Morning Star, and bring us comfort from afar! Dispel the shadows of the night
and turn our darkness into light.
7 O come, O King of nations,
bind in one the hearts of all mankind. Bid all our sad divisions cease and be
yourself our King of Peace.
Tuesday, December 22, 2015
Advent Week 4
Advent Reading Based on Psalm 89:19-23
Reader One: The Psalmist received a vision from God, who said, I have put a crown on the head of a new king, a mighty one chosen and anointed with oil.
Reader Two: My hand will always be with him; my arm will strengthen him.
Reader One: My faithfulness and steadfast love will be with the one I’ve chosen.
Reader Two: We wait for God’s love coming to us. The day of God’s joy is soon coming. We live in God’s peace and hope as we light these candles.
(Please pause as we light four candles, then respond.)
All: Loving God, come and shine your light in the world!
Advent Week 4
Come, O Holy One, as the beloved child, Emmanuel!
Soften our hearts and open our arms for your coming
that we may make this a place worthy and warm,
kindly and safe for all your children,
in the name of Jesus. Amen.
Sunday, December 20, 2015
Advent Week 4
Sunday of Advent
Isaiah 9:6-7: A child
will be born to us. God will give a son to us. He will be responsible for
leading the people. His name will be Wonderful Counselor, Powerful God, Father
Who Lives Forever, Prince of Peace. Power and peace will be in his kingdom. It
will continue to grow. He will rule as king on David’s throne and over David’s
kingdom. He will make it strong, by ruling with goodness and fair
judgment. He will rule it forever and
ever. The Lord of heaven’s armies will do this because of his strong love for
his people.
Luke 2:13-14: Then a very
large group of angels from heaven joined the first angel. All the angels were
praising God, saying, Give glory to God in heaven, and on earth let there be
peace to the people who please God.
Mark 4:39: And he
arose, and rebuked the wind, and said unto the sea, Peace, be still. And the
wind ceased, and there was a great calm.
John 14:27: I leave
you peace. My peace I give you. I do not give it to you as the world does. So
don’t let your hearts be troubled. Don’t be afraid.
John 16:33: I told you
these things so that you can have peace in me. In this world you will have
trouble. But be brave! I have defeated the world!
The fourth
purple candle of PEACE
Friday, December 18, 2015
Advent Week 3
Coloring sheet to print off
Our old dog—a West Highland white terrier—sleeps curled up at the foot of our bed. That’s been her place for 13 years.
Normally she doesn’t move or make a sound, but lately she’s been pawing us gently in the middle of the night. At first we thought she wanted to go outside, so we tried to accommodate her. But we realized she just wants to know we are there. She’s nearly deaf and partially blind now. She can’t see in the darkness and can’t hear us move or breathe. Naturally, she gets confused and reaches out for reassurance. So I just reach down and pat her on the head to assure her that I’m there. That’s all she wants to know. She takes a turn or two, settles down, and goes back to sleep.
“Where can I flee from your presence?” David asked God (Ps. 139:7). David took this as an immense comfort. “If I settle on the far side of the sea, even there your hand will guide me,” he noted. “Even the darkness will not be dark to you” (vv. 9-12).
Lost in darkness? Grieving, fearful, guilty, doubting, discouraged? Not sure of God? The darkness is not dark to Him. Though unseen, He is at hand. He has said, “Never will I leave you; never will I forsake you” (Heb. 13:5). Reach out your hand for His. He is there.
Lord, You promised never to leave us or forsake us. We know Your word is true, but so often we see the obstacles and the challenges and lose sight of You. Help us today to see more of You and less of our problems.
Dark fears flee in the light of God’s presence.
In Psalm 139 David invites us to meditate on who God is and how that affects us personally. David is perplexed by God’s omniscience—that He knows everything about him (vv. 1-4). He is assured by God’s omnipresence—that He is ever-present and will never leave or forsake him (vv. 5-12). And he is overwhelmed by His omnipotence—that He is the all-powerful Creator who created him (vv. 13-18). In today’s reading (vv. 7-12), David speaks of a God who is always there to lead, hold, and protect him. There is no place where he is beyond His care, and even before he was conceived God showed His love for him (vv. 13-16). Mindful of all this, David prayed a prayer of loyalty and commitment (vv. 23-24).
Thursday, December 17, 2015
Advent Week 3
"In the sixth month, the angel Gabriel was sent by God to a town in Galilee called Nazareth, to a virgin engaged to a man named Joseph, of the house of David. The virgin's name was Mary. And the angel came to her and said, ‘Rejoice, favored woman! The Lord is with you.' But she was deeply troubled by this statement, wondering what kind of greeting this could be. Then the angel told her: ‘Do not be afraid, Mary, for you have found favor with God. Now listen: You will conceive and give birth to a son, and you will call His name Jesus. He will be great and will be called the Son of the Most High, and the Lord God will give Him the throne of His father David. He will reign over the house of Jacob forever, and His kingdom will have no end.'" —Luke 1:26-33
"It's the pink week ms bekah!" They get pieces and it gives me joy to hear them have such joy over remembering things. It is the pink week. We light the pink candle this week. It is a week we remember joy. Unimaginable joy. The joy Mary felt. It is an emotion we must choose to have. Joy doesn't always come easily. In the midst of fear, sadness and doubt we can choose the joy the Lord can provide.
Lord, make me an instrument of your peace.
Where there is hatred, let me sow love.
Where there is injury, pardon.Where there is discord, union.Where there is doubt, faith.
Where there is despair, hope.
Where there is darkness, light.
Where there is sadness, joy.
O Divine Master,
grant that I may not so much seek to be consoled as to console;
to be understood, as to understand;
to be loved, as to love;
For it is in giving that we receive,
It is in pardoning that we are pardoned,
and it is in dying that we are born to eternal life.
— Prayer for Peace of St. Francis of Assisi
Wednesday, December 16, 2015
Advent Week 3
Joy to the World
- Verse 1
Joy to the world! The Lord is come;
Let earth receive her king;
Let every heart prepare him room,
And heaven and nature sing,
And heaven and nature sing,
And heaven, and heaven, and nature sing.
Let earth receive her king;
Let every heart prepare him room,
And heaven and nature sing,
And heaven and nature sing,
And heaven, and heaven, and nature sing.
- Verse 2
Joy to the earth! the savior reigns;
Let men their songs employ;
While fields and floods, rocks, hills, and plains
Repeat the sounding joy,
Repeat the sounding joy,
Repeat, repeat the sounding joy.
Let men their songs employ;
While fields and floods, rocks, hills, and plains
Repeat the sounding joy,
Repeat the sounding joy,
Repeat, repeat the sounding joy.
- Verse 3
No more let sins and sorrows grow,
Nor thorns infest the ground;
He comes to make his blessings flow
Far as the curse is found,
Far as the curse is found,
Far as, far as, the curse is found.
Nor thorns infest the ground;
He comes to make his blessings flow
Far as the curse is found,
Far as the curse is found,
Far as, far as, the curse is found.
- Verse 4
He rules the world with truth and grace,
And makes the nations prove
The glories of his righteousness,
And wonders of his love,
And wonders of his love,
And wonders, wonders, of his love.
And makes the nations prove
The glories of his righteousness,
And wonders of his love,
And wonders of his love,
And wonders, wonders, of his love.
Tuesday, December 15, 2015
Advent Week 3
Nehemiah 8:10b: The joy of the Lord will make you strong.
Matthew 2:10-11: When the wise men saw the star, they were filled with joy. They went to the house where the child was and saw him with his mother, Mary. They bowed down and worshiped the child. They opened the gifts they brought for him. They gave him treasures of gold, frankincense, and myrrh.
Luke 2:10-11: The angel said to them, “Don’t be afraid, because I am bringing you some good news. It will be a joy to all the people. 11Today your Savior was born in David’s town. He is Christ, the Lord.
Luke 15:7: In the same way, I tell you there is much joy in heaven when 1 sinner changes his heart. There is more joy for that one sinner than there is for 99 good people who don’t need to change.
Acts 2:28: You will teach me God’s way to live. Being with you will fill me with joy.
Galatians 5:22-23a: But the Spirit gives love, joy, peace, patience, kindness, goodness, faithfulness, gentleness, self-control.
Philippians 4:4: Be full of joy in the Lord always. I will say again, be full of joy.
Monday, December 14, 2015
Sunday, December 13, 2015
Advent Week 3
Third Sunday of Advent —December 13, 2015
Light the three candles on your wreath and read together the
following meditation:
First Reader: This is
the third Sunday in Advent. Today we light three purple candles. (OR two purple
candles and the pink candle.) The first Sunday, we lit the candle of hope. On
the second Sunday, we lit the candle of love. Today, we light the candle of
joy. One thing that sometimes happens as
we get ready to celebrate Jesus’ birth is we expect to be happy all the
time. Joy is not the same as happy. Joy is a deeper feeling created by knowing
that God cares for us. Joy is remembering that God sent Jesus so we would
always know of God’s care. During Advent, we pray that we may remember again
God’s gift of Jesus to the world and know the joy that gift brings to all
(Light the first, second, and third candles.)
All: Sing or read
together the hymn, “Joy to the World,” page 246, The United Methodist Hymnal.
Second Reader: When we
look at the third candle, we remember God’s promise of joy. God promised to
send a Savior to the people. Today we read from the Gospel of Luke. In the
Scripture, we read Mary’s song of praise and joy. There must have been times
when Mary was frightened, worried, fearful, and sad. But we have these words of
joy, even in a time when she was unsure of the future. Her words can guide us
to look for the joy of God, even when things may be uncertain for us.
First Reader: Read
Luke 1:47-55
Discussion: How
privileged we are to have this beautiful song of Mary. Can you imagine her
singing the words written in Scripture? It is a testimony to her faith and joy
at being chosen as God’s servant.
Who in our world need God’s joy?
What are our hopes for joy in our world today?
How do we help others know that God gives joy?
Prayer: Dear God:
Thank you for your son, Jesus. Thank you for the joy remembering Jesus’ birth
brings to us today. Help us live in such a way that our words and our actions
help others know of the joy you give.
Saturday, December 12, 2015
Advent Week 2
Today pray for our world leader. Here is a list of them off wiki....

President – Abdelaziz Bouteflika, President of Algeria (1999–present)
Prime Minister – Abdelmalek Sellal, Prime Minister of Algeria (2014–present)

President – José Eduardo dos Santos, President of Angola (1979–present)

President – Yayi Boni, President of Benin (2006–present)
Prime Minister – Lionel Zinsou, Prime Minister of Benin (2015–present)

President – Ian Khama, President of Botswana (2008–present)

President –
Michel Kafando, Interim president of Burkina Faso (2014–2015)
Gilbert Diendéré, Head of the National Council of Democracy of Burkina Faso (2015)
Michel Kafando, Interim president of Burkina Faso (2015–present)
Prime Minister –
Yacouba Isaac Zida, Acting Prime Minister of Burkina Faso (2014–2015)
Yacouba Isaac Zida, Acting Prime Minister of Burkina Faso (2015–present)

Head of State –
Pierre Nkurunziza, President of Burundi (2005–present)
Godefroid Niyombare, Head of Transitional Committee of Burundi (2015)

President – Paul Biya, President of Cameroon (1982–present)
Prime Minister – Philémon Yang, Prime Minister of Cameroon (2009–present)

President – Jorge Carlos Fonseca, President of Cape Verde (2011–present)
Prime Minister – José Maria Neves, Prime Minister of Cape Verde (2001–present)

Head of State – Catherine Samba-Panza, Head of State of the Transition of the Central African Republic (2014–present)
Prime Minister – Mahamat Kamoun, Prime Minister of the Central African Republic (2014–present)

President – Idriss Déby, President of Chad (1990–present)
Prime Minister – Kalzeubet Pahimi Deubet, Prime Minister of Chad (2013–present)

President – Ikililou Dhoinine, President of the Comoros (2011–present)

President – Denis Sassou Nguesso, President of the Republic of the Congo (1997–present)

President – Joseph Kabila, President of the Democratic Republic of the Congo (2001–present)
Prime Minister – Augustin Matata Ponyo, Prime Minister of the Democratic Republic of the Congo (2012–present)

President – Ismaïl Omar Guelleh, President of Djibouti (1999–present)
Prime Minister – Abdoulkader Kamil Mohamed, Prime Minister of Djibouti (2013–present)

President – Abdel Fattah el-Sisi, President of Egypt (2014–present)
Prime Minister –
Ibrahim Mahlab, Prime Minister of Egypt (2014–2015)
Sherif Ismail, Prime Minister of Egypt (2015–present)

President – Teodoro Obiang Nguema Mbasogo, President of Equatorial Guinea (1979–present)
Prime Minister – Vicente Ehate Tomi, Prime Minister of Equatorial Guinea (2012–present)

President – Isaias Afewerki, President of Eritrea (1991–present) [a]

President – Mulatu Teshome, President of Ethiopia (2013–present)
Prime Minister – Hailemariam Desalegn, Prime Minister of Ethiopia (2012–present)

President – Ali Bongo Ondimba, President of Gabon (2009–present)
Prime Minister – Daniel Ona Ondo, Prime Minister of Gabon (2014–present)

President – Yahya Jammeh, President of the Gambia (1994–present)

President – John Dramani Mahama, President of Ghana (2012–present)

President – Alpha Condé, President of Guinea (2010–present)
Prime Minister – Mohamed Said Fofana, Prime Minister of Guinea (2010–present)

President – José Mário Vaz, President of Guinea-Bissau (2014–present)
Prime Minister –
Domingos Simões Pereira, Prime Minister of Guinea-Bissau (2014–2015)
Baciro Djá, Prime Minister of Guinea-Bissau (2015)
Carlos Correia, Prime Minister of Guinea-Bissau (2015–present)

President – Alassane Ouattara, President of the Ivory Coast (2010–present)
Prime Minister – Daniel Kablan Duncan, Prime Minister of the Ivory Coast (2012–present)

President – Uhuru Kenyatta, President of Kenya (2013–present)

Monarch – Letsie III, King of Lesotho (1996–present)
Prime Minister –
Tom Thabane, Prime Minister of Lesotho (2012–2015)
Pakalitha Mosisili, Prime Minister of Lesotho (2015–present)

President – Ellen Johnson Sirleaf, President of Liberia (2006–present)

Head of State –
Nouri Abusahmain, Chairman of the New General National Congress of Libya (2013–2014; co-claimant, 2014–present)
Aguila Saleh Issa, Chairman of the House of Representatives of Libya (co-claimant, 2014–present)
Prime Minister –
Abdullah al-Thani, Prime Minister of Libya (co-claimant, 2014–present)
Omar al-Hasi, Prime Minister of Libya (co-claimant, 2014–2015)
Khalifa al-Ghawi, Acting Prime Minister of Libya (co-claimant, 2015–present)

President – Hery Rajaonarimampianina, President of Madagascar (2014–present)
Prime Minister –
Roger Kolo, Prime Minister of Madagascar (2014–2015)
Jean Ravelonarivo, Prime Minister of Madagascar (2015–present)

President – Peter Mutharika, President of Malawi (2014–present)

President – Ibrahim Boubacar Keïta, President of Mali (2013–present)
Prime Minister –
Moussa Mara, Prime Minister of Mali (2014–2015)
Modibo Keita, Prime Minister of Mali (2015–present)

President – Mohamed Ould Abdel Aziz, President of Mauritania (2009–present)
Prime Minister – Yahya Ould Hademine, Prime Minister of Mauritania (2014–present)

President –
Rajkeswur Purryag, President of Mauritius (2012–2015)
Monique Ohsan-Bellepeau, Acting President of Mauritius (2015)
Ameenah Gurib, President of Mauritius (2015–present)
Prime Minister – Sir Anerood Jugnauth, Prime Minister of Mauritius (2014–present)

Prefect – Seymour Morsy, Prefect of Mayotte (2014–present)
Head of the Government –
Daniel Zaïdani, President of the General Council of Mayotte (2011–2015)
Soibahadine Ibrahim Ramadani, President of the Departmental Council of Mayotte (2015–present)

Monarch – Mohammed VI, King of Morocco (1999–present)
Prime Minister – Abdelilah Benkirane, Prime Minister of Morocco (2011–present)

President – Mohamed Abdelaziz, President of the Sahrawi Arab Democratic Republic (1976–present)
Prime Minister – Abdelkader Taleb Oumar, Prime Minister of the Sahrawi Arab Democratic Republic (2003–present)

President –
Armando Guebuza, President of Mozambique (2005–2015)
Filipe Nyusi, President of Mozambique (2015–present)
Prime Minister –
Alberto Vaquina, Prime Minister of Mozambique (2012–2015)
Carlos Agostinho do Rosário, Prime Minister of Mozambique (2015–present)

President –
Hifikepunye Pohamba, President of Namibia (2005–2015)
Hage Geingob, President of Namibia (2015–present)
Prime Minister –
Hage Geingob, Prime Minister of Namibia (2012–2015)
Saara Kuugongelwa, Prime Minister of Namibia (2015–present)

President – Mahamadou Issoufou, President of Niger (2011–present)
Prime Minister – Brigi Rafini, Prime Minister of Niger (2011–present)

President –
Goodluck Jonathan, President of Nigeria (2010–2015)
Muhammadu Buhari, President of Nigeria (2015–present)

President – Paul Kagame, President of Rwanda (2000–present)
Prime Minister – Anastase Murekezi, Prime Minister of Rwanda (2014–present)

Governor – Mark Andrew Capes, Governor of Saint Helena (2011–present)

President – Manuel Pinto da Costa, President of São Tomé and Príncipe (2011–present)
Prime Minister – Patrice Trovoada, Prime Minister of São Tomé and Príncipe (2014–present)

President – Macky Sall, President of Senegal (2012–present)
Prime Minister – Mohamed Dionne, Prime Minister of Senegal (2014–present)

President – James Michel, President of Seychelles (2004–present)

President – Ernest Bai Koroma, President of Sierra Leone (2007–present)

President – Hassan Sheikh Mohamud, President of Somalia (2012–present)
Prime Minister – Omar Abdirashid Ali Sharmarke, Prime Minister of Somalia (2014–present)

President – Ahmed Mohamed Mohamoud, President of Somaliland (2010–present)

President – Abdiweli Mohamed Ali, President of Puntland (2014–present)

President – Jacob Zuma, President of South Africa (2009–present)

President – Salva Kiir Mayardit, President of South Sudan (2005–present) [b]

President – Omar al-Bashir, President of Sudan (1989–present)

Monarch – Mswati III, King of Swaziland (1986–present)
Prime Minister – Barnabas Sibusiso Dlamini, Prime Minister of Swaziland (2008–present)

President –
Jakaya Kikwete, President of Tanzania (2005–2015)
John Magufuli, President of Tanzania (2015–present)
Prime Minister –
Mizengo Pinda, Prime Minister of Tanzania (2008–2015)
Kassim Majaliwa, Prime Minister of Tanzania (2015–present)

President – Faure Gnassingbé, President of Togo (2005–present)
Prime Minister –
Kwesi Ahoomey-Zunu, Prime Minister of Togo (2012–2015)
Komi Sélom Klassou, Prime Minister of Togo (2015–present)

President – Beji Caid Essebsi, President of Tunisia (2014–present)
Prime Minister –
Mehdi Jomaa, Head of Government of Tunisia (2014–2015)
Habib Essid, Head of Government of Tunisia (2015–present)

President – Yoweri Museveni, President of Uganda (1986–present)
Prime Minister – Ruhakana Rugunda, Prime Minister of Uganda (2014–present)

President –
Guy Scott, Acting President of Zambia (2014–2015)
Edgar Lungu, President of Zambia (2015–present)

President – Robert Mugabe, President of Zimbabwe (1987–present)

President – Ashraf Ghani, President of Afghanistan (2014–present)
Chief Executive Officer – Abdullah Abdullah, Chief Executive Officer of Afghanistan (2014–present)

Monarch – Hamad bin Isa Al Khalifa, King of Bahrain (1999–present)
Prime Minister – Prince Khalifa ibn Salman Al Khalifa, Prime Minister of Bahrain (1970–present) [c]

President – Abdul Hamid, President of Bangladesh (2013–present)
Prime Minister – Sheikh Hasina, Prime Minister of Bangladesh (2009–present)

Monarch – Jigme Khesar Namgyal Wangchuck, King of Bhutan (2006–present)
Prime Minister – Tshering Tobgay, Prime Minister of Bhutan (2013–present)

Monarch – Hassanal Bolkiah, Sultan of Brunei (1967–present) [d]
Prime Minister – Hassanal Bolkiah, Prime Minister of Brunei (1984–present)

Monarch – Norodom Sihamoni, King of Cambodia (2004–present)
Prime Minister – Hun Sen, Prime Minister of Cambodia (1985–present) [e]

Communist Party Leader – Xi Jinping, General Secretary of the Communist Party of China (2012–present)
President – Xi Jinping, President of China (2013–present)
Premier – Li Keqiang, Premier of the State Council of China (2013–present)

President – Taur Matan Ruak, President of East Timor (2012–present)
Prime Minister –
Xanana Gusmão, Prime Minister of East Timor (2007–2015)
Rui Maria de Araújo, Prime Minister of East Timor (2015–present)

President – Pranab Mukherjee, President of India (2012–present)
Prime Minister – Narendra Modi, Prime Minister of India (2014–present)

President – Joko Widodo, President of Indonesia (2014–present)

Supreme Leader – Ayatollah Ali Khamenei, Supreme Leader of Iran (1989–present)
President – Hassan Rouhani, President of Iran (2013–present)

President – Fuad Masum, President of Iraq (2014–present)
Prime Minister – Haider al-Abadi, Prime Minister of Iraq (2014–present)

President – Reuven Rivlin, President of Israel (2014–present)
Prime Minister – Benjamin Netanyahu, Prime Minister of Israel (2009–present)

President – Mahmoud Abbas, President of the Palestinian National Authority (2005–present)
Prime Minister – Rami Hamdallah, Prime Minister of the Palestinian National Authority (2013–present)

Monarch – Akihito, Emperor of Japan (1989–present)
Prime Minister – Shinzō Abe, Prime Minister of Japan (2012–present)

Monarch – Abdullah II, King of Jordan (1999–present)
Prime Minister – Abdullah Ensour, Prime Minister of Jordan (2012–present)

President – Nursultan Nazarbayev, President of Kazakhstan (1990–present) [g]
Prime Minister – Karim Massimov, Prime Minister of Kazakhstan (2014–present)

Communist Party Leader – Kim Jong-un, First Secretary of the Workers' Party of Korea (2012–present)
De facto Head of State – Kim Jong-un, First Chairman of the National Defence Commission of North Korea [h] (2011–present)
De jure Head of State – Kim Yong-nam, Chairman of the Presidium of the Supreme People's Assembly of North Korea (1998–present)
Premier – Pak Pong-ju, Premier of the Cabinet of North Korea (2013–present)

President – Park Geun-hye, President of South Korea (2013–present)
Prime Minister –
Chung Hong-won, Prime Minister of South Korea (2013–2015)
Lee Wan-koo, Prime Minister of South Korea (2015)
Choi Kyoung-hwan, Acting Prime Minister of South Korea (2015)
Hwang Kyo-ahn, Prime Minister of South Korea (2015–present)

Monarch – Sheikh Sabah Al-Ahmad Al-Jaber Al-Sabah, Emir of Kuwait (2006–present)
Prime Minister – Sheikh Jaber Al-Mubarak Al-Hamad Al-Sabah, Prime Minister of Kuwait (2011–present)

President – Almazbek Atambayev, President of Kyrgyzstan (2011–present)
Prime Minister –
Djoomart Otorbaev, Prime Minister of Kyrgyzstan (2014–2015)
Temir Sariyev, Prime Minister of Kyrgyzstan (2015–present)

Communist Party Leader – Choummaly Sayasone, General Secretary of the Lao People's Revolutionary Party (2006–present)
President – Choummaly Sayasone, President of Laos (2006–present)
Prime Minister – Thongsing Thammavong, Chairman of the Council of Ministers of Laos (2010–present)

President – Tammam Salam, Acting President of Lebanon (2014–present)
Prime Minister – Tammam Salam, President of the Council of Ministers of Lebanon (2014–present)

Monarch – Tuanku Abdul Halim, Yang di-Pertuan Agong of Malaysia (2011–present)
Prime Minister – Najib Razak, Prime Minister of Malaysia (2009–present)

President – Abdulla Yameen, President of the Maldives (2013–present)

President – Tsakhiagiin Elbegdorj, President of Mongolia (2009–present)
Prime Minister – Chimediin Saikhanbileg, Prime Minister of Mongolia (2014–present)

President – Thein Sein, President of Myanmar (2011–present)

President –
Ram Baran Yadav, President of Nepal (2008–2015)
Bidhya Devi Bhandari, President of Nepal (2015–present)
Prime Minister –
Sushil Koirala, Prime Minister of Nepal (2014–2015)
Khadga Prasad Oli, Prime Minister of Nepal (2015–present)

Monarch – Qaboos bin Said al Said, Sultan of Oman (1970–present)
Prime Minister – Qaboos bin Said al Said, Prime Minister of Oman (1972–present)

President – Mamnoon Hussain, President of Pakistan (2013–present)
Prime Minister – Nawaz Sharif, Prime Minister of Pakistan (2013–present)

President – Benigno Aquino, President of the Philippines (2010–present)

Monarch – Sheikh Tamim bin Hamad Al Thani, Emir of Qatar (2013–present)
Prime Minister – Sheikh Abdullah bin Nasser bin Khalifa Al Thani, Prime Minister of Qatar (2013–present)

Monarch –
Abdullah, King of Saudi Arabia (2005–2015)
Salman, King of Saudi Arabia (2015–present)
Prime Minister –
Abdullah, Prime Minister of Saudi Arabia (2005–2015)
Salman, Prime Minister of Saudi Arabia (2015–present)

President – Tony Tan, President of Singapore (2011–present)
Prime Minister – Lee Hsien Loong, Prime Minister of Singapore (2004–present)

President –
Mahinda Rajapaksa, President of Sri Lanka (2005–2015)
Maithripala Sirisena, President of Sri Lanka (2015–present)
Prime Minister –
D. M. Jayaratne, Prime Minister of Sri Lanka (2010–2015)
Ranil Wickremesinghe, Prime Minister of Sri Lanka (2015–present)

President – Bashar al-Assad, President of Syria (2000–present)
Prime Minister – Wael Nader al-Halqi, Prime Minister of Syria (2012–present)

President –
Hadi al-Bahra, President of the Syrian National Coalition (2014–2015)
Khaled Khoja, President of the Syrian National Coalition (2015–present)
Prime Minister – Ahmad Tu'mah, Prime Minister of the Syrian National Coalition (2014–present)

President – Ma Ying-jeou, President of Taiwan (2008–present)
Premier – Mao Chi-kuo, President of the Executive Yuan of the Taiwan (2014–present)

President – Emomalii Rahmon, President of Tajikistan (1992–present)
Prime Minister – Kokhir Rasulzoda, Prime Minister of Tajikistan (2013–present)

Monarch – Bhumibol Adulyadej, King of Thailand (1946–present)
Prime Minister – Prayuth Chan-ocha, Prime Minister of Thailand (2014–present)

President – Recep Tayyip Erdoğan, President of Turkey (2014–present)
Prime Minister – Ahmet Davutoğlu, Prime Minister of Turkey (2014–present)

President – Gurbanguly Berdimuhamedow, President of Turkmenistan (2006–present)

President – Sheikh Khalifa bin Zayed Al Nahyan, President of the United Arab Emirates (2004–present)
Prime Minister – Sheikh Mohammed bin Rashid Al Maktoum, Prime Minister of the United Arab Emirates (2006–present)

President – Islam Karimov, President of Uzbekistan (1990–present) [i]
Prime Minister – Shavkat Mirziyoyev, Prime Minister of Uzbekistan (2003–present)

Communist Party Leader – Nguyễn Phú Trọng, General Secretary of the Communist Party of Vietnam (2011–present)
President – Trương Tấn Sang, President of Vietnam (2011–present)
Prime Minister – Nguyễn Tấn Dũng, Prime Minister of Vietnam (2006–present)

Head of State –
Abd Rabbuh Mansur Hadi, President of Yemen (2012–2015; co-claimant, 2015–present)
Mohammed Ali al-Houthi, President of the Revolutionary Committee of Yemen (co-claimant, 2015–present)
Prime Minister – Khaled Bahah, Prime Minister of Yemen (2014–2015; co-claimant, 2015–present)

President – Bujar Nishani, President of Albania (2012–present)
Prime Minister – Edi Rama, Prime Minister of Albania (2013–present)

Monarchs –
French Co-Prince – François Hollande, French Co-Prince of Andorra (2012–present)
Co-Prince's Representative –
Sylvie Hubac (2012–2015)[1]
Thierry Lataste (2015–present)[2]
Episcopal Co-Prince – Archbishop Joan Enric Vives Sicília, Episcopal Co-Prince of Andorra (2003–present)
Co-Prince's Representative – Josep Maria Mauri (2012–present)
Prime Minister –
Antoni Martí, Head of Government of Andorra (2011–2015)
Gilbert Saboya Sunyé, Acting Head of Government of Andorra (2015)
Antoni Martí, Head of Government of Andorra (2015–present)

President – Serzh Sargsyan, President of Armenia (2008–present)
Prime Minister – Hovik Abrahamyan, Prime Minister of Armenia (2014–present)

President – Heinz Fischer, Federal President of Austria (2004–present)
Chancellor – Werner Faymann, Federal Chancellor of Austria (2008–present)

President – Ilham Aliyev, President of Azerbaijan (2003–present)
Prime Minister – Artur Rasizade, Prime Minister of Azerbaijan (2003–present)

President – Bako Sahakyan, President of Nagorno-Karabakh (2007–present)
Prime Minister – Arayik Harutyunyan, Prime Minister of Nagorno-Karabakh (2007–present)

President – Alexander Lukashenko, President of Belarus (1994–present)
Prime Minister – Andrei Kobyakov, Prime Minister of Belarus (2014–present)

Monarch – Philippe, King of the Belgians (2013–present)
Prime Minister – Charles Michel, Prime Minister of Belgium (2014–present)

Head of State – Presidency of Bosnia and Herzegovina
Serb member – Mladen Ivanić (2014–present; Chairman of the Presidency of Bosnia and Herzegovina, 2014–2015)
Croat member – Dragan Čović (2014–present; Chairman of the Presidency of Bosnia and Herzegovina, 2015–present)
Bosniak member – Bakir Izetbegović (2010–present)
Prime Minister –
Vjekoslav Bevanda, Chairman of the Council of Ministers of Bosnia and Herzegovina (2012–2015)
Denis Zvizdić, Chairman of the Council of Ministers of Bosnia and Herzegovina (2015–present)
High Representative – Valentin Inzko, High Representative for Bosnia and Herzegovina (2009–present)

President – Rosen Plevneliev, President of Bulgaria (2012–present)
Prime Minister – Boyko Borisov, Prime Minister of Bulgaria (2014–present)

President –
Ivo Josipović, President of Croatia (2010–2015)
Kolinda Grabar-Kitarović, President of Croatia (2015–present)
Prime Minister – Zoran Milanović, Prime Minister of Croatia (2011–present)

President – Nicos Anastasiades, President of Cyprus (2013–present)

President –
Derviş Eroğlu, President of Northern Cyprus (2010–2015)
Mustafa Akıncı, President of Northern Cyprus (2015–present)
Prime Minister –
Özkan Yorgancıoğlu, Prime Minister of Northern Cyprus (2013–2015)
Ömer Kalyoncu, Prime Minister of Northern Cyprus (2015–present)

President – Miloš Zeman, President of the Czech Republic (2013–present)
Prime Minister – Bohuslav Sobotka, Prime Minister of the Czech Republic (2014–present)

Monarch – Margrethe II, Queen of Denmark (1972–present)
Prime Minister –
Helle Thorning-Schmidt, Prime Minister of Denmark (2011–2015)
Lars Løkke Rasmussen, Prime Minister of Denmark (2015–present)

President – Toomas Hendrik Ilves, President of Estonia (2006–present)
Prime Minister – Taavi Rõivas, Prime Minister of Estonia (2014–present)

President – Sauli Niinistö, President of Finland (2012–present)
Prime Minister –
Alexander Stubb, Prime Minister of Finland (2014–2015)
Juha Sipilä, Prime Minister of Finland (2015–present)

President – François Hollande, President of France (2012–present)
Prime Minister – Manuel Valls, Prime Minister of France (2014–present)

President – Giorgi Margvelashvili, President of Georgia (2013–present)
Prime Minister – Irakli Garibashvili, Prime Minister of Georgia (2013–present)

President – Raul Khadjimba, President of Abkhazia (2014–present)
Prime Minister –
Beslan Butba, Prime Minister of Abkhazia (2014–2015)
Shamil Adzynba, Acting Prime Minister of Abkhazia (2015)
Artur Mikvabia, Prime Minister of Abkhazia (2015–present)

President – Leonid Tibilov, President of South Ossetia (2012–present)
Prime Minister – Domenty Kulumbegov, Prime Minister of South Ossetia (2014–present)

President – Joachim Gauck, Federal President of Germany (2012–present)
Chancellor – Angela Merkel, Federal Chancellor of Germany (2005–present)

President –
Karolos Papoulias, President of Greece (2005–2015)
Prokopis Pavlopoulos, President of Greece (2015–present)
Prime Minister –
Antonis Samaras, Prime Minister of Greece (2012–2015)
Alexis Tsipras, Prime Minister of Greece (2015)
Vassiliki Thanou-Christophilou, Prime Minister of Greece (2015)
Alexis Tsipras, Prime Minister of Greece (2015–present)

President – János Áder, President of Hungary (2012–present)
Prime Minister – Viktor Orbán, Prime Minister of Hungary (2010–present)

President – Ólafur Ragnar Grímsson, President of Iceland (1996–present)
Prime Minister – Sigmundur Davíð Gunnlaugsson, Prime Minister of Iceland (2013–present)

President – Michael D. Higgins, President of Ireland (2011–present)
Prime Minister – Enda Kenny, Taoiseach of Ireland (2011–present)

President –
Giorgio Napolitano, President of Italy (2006–2015)
Pietro Grasso, Acting President of Italy (2015)
Sergio Mattarella, President of Italy (2015–present)
Prime Minister – Matteo Renzi, President of the Council of Ministers of Italy (2014–present)

President –
Andris Bērziņš, President of Latvia (2011–2015)
Raimonds Vējonis, President of Latvia (2015–present)
Prime Minister – Laimdota Straujuma, Prime Minister of Latvia (2014–present)

Monarch – Hans-Adam II, Prince of Liechtenstein (1989–present)
Regent – Hereditary Prince Alois, Regent of Liechtenstein (2004–present)
Prime Minister – Adrian Hasler, Head of Government of Liechtenstein (2013–present)

President – Dalia Grybauskaitė, President of Lithuania (2009–present)
Prime Minister – Algirdas Butkevičius, Prime Minister of Lithuania (2012–present)

Monarch – Henri, Grand Duke of Luxembourg (2000–present)
Prime Minister – Xavier Bettel, Prime Minister of Luxembourg (2013–present)

President – Gjorge Ivanov, President of Macedonia (2009–present)
Prime Minister – Nikola Gruevski, President of the Government of Macedonia (2006–present)

President – Marie Louise Coleiro Preca, President of Malta (2014–present)
Prime Minister – Joseph Muscat, Prime Minister of Malta (2013–present)

President – Nicolae Timofti, President of Moldova (2012–present)
Prime Minister –
Iurie Leancă, Prime Minister of Moldova (2013–2015)
Chiril Gaburici, Prime Minister of Moldova (2015)
Natalia Gherman, Acting Prime Minister of Moldova (2015)
Valeriu Streleț, Prime Minister of Moldova (2015)
Gheorghe Brega, Acting Prime Minister of Moldova (2015–present)

President – Yevgeny Shevchuk, President of Transnistria (2011–present)
Prime Minister –
Tatiana Turanskaya, Prime Minister of Transnistria (2013–2015)
Maija Parnas, Acting Prime Minister of Transnistria (2015)
Tatiana Turanskaya, Prime Minister of Transnistria (2015)
Maija Parnas, Acting Prime Minister of Transnistria (2015–present)

Monarch – Albert II, Prince of Monaco (2005–present)
Prime Minister – Michel Roger, Minister of State of Monaco (2010–present)

President – Filip Vujanović, President of Montenegro (2003–present) [j]
Prime Minister – Milo Đukanović, Prime Minister of Montenegro (2012–present)

Monarch – Willem-Alexander, King of the Netherlands (2013–present)

Prime Minister – Mark Rutte, Prime Minister of the Netherlands (2010–present)

see under North America

see under North America

see under North America

Monarch – Harald V, King of Norway (1991–present)
Prime Minister – Erna Solberg, Prime Minister of Norway (2013–present)

President –
Bronisław Komorowski, President of Poland (2010–2015)
Andrzej Duda, President of Poland (2015–present)
Prime Minister –
Ewa Kopacz, Chairman of the Council of Ministers of Poland (2014–2015)
Beata Szydło, Chairman of the Council of Ministers of Poland (2015–present)

President – Aníbal Cavaco Silva, President of Portugal (2006–present)
Prime Minister –
Pedro Passos Coelho, Prime Minister of Portugal (2011–2015)
António Costa, Prime Minister of Portugal (2015–present)

President – Klaus Iohannis, President of Romania (2014–present)
Prime Minister –
Victor Ponta, Prime Minister of Romania (2012–2015)
Gabriel Oprea, Acting Prime Minister of Romania (2015)
Sorin Cîmpeanu, Acting Prime Minister of Romania (2015)
Dacian Cioloș, Prime Minister of Romania (2015–present)

President – Vladimir Putin, President of Russia (2012–present)
Prime Minister – Dmitry Medvedev, Chairman of the Government of Russia (2012–present)

Captains-Regent –
Gian Franco Terenzi and Guerrino Zanotti, Captains-Regent of San Marino (2014–2015)
Andrea Belluzzi and Roberto Venturini, Captains-Regent of San Marino (2015)
Lorella Stefanelli and Nicola Renzi, Captains-Regent of San Marino (2015–present)

President – Tomislav Nikolić, President of Serbia (2012–present)
Prime Minister – Aleksandar Vučić, Prime Minister of Serbia (2014–present)

President – Atifete Jahjaga, President of Kosovo (2011–present)
Prime Minister – Isa Mustafa, Prime Minister of Kosovo (2014–present)
UN Special Representative –
Farid Zarif, Special Representative of the UN Secretary-General for Kosovo (2011–2015)
Simona-Mirela Miculescu, Acting Special Representative of the UN Secretary-General for Kosovo (2015)
Zahir Tanin, Special Representative of the UN Secretary-General for Kosovo (2015–present)

President – Andrej Kiska, President of Slovakia (2014–present)
Prime Minister – Robert Fico, Prime Minister of Slovakia (2012–present)

President – Borut Pahor, President of Slovenia (2012–present)
Prime Minister – Miro Cerar, Prime Minister of Slovenia (2014–present)

Monarch – Felipe VI, King of Spain (2014–present)
Prime Minister – Mariano Rajoy, President of the Government of Spain (2011–present)

Monarch – Carl XVI Gustaf, King of Sweden (1973–present)
Prime Minister – Stefan Löfven, Prime Minister of Sweden (2014–present)

Federal Council [k] – Doris Leuthard (2006–present), Eveline Widmer-Schlumpf (2008–present), Ueli Maurer (2009–present), Didier Burkhalter (2009–present), Johann Schneider-Ammann (2010–present), Simonetta Sommaruga (2010–present; President of the Swiss Confederation, 2015–present), and Alain Berset (2012–present)

President – Petro Poroshenko, President of Ukraine (2014–present)
Prime Minister – Arseniy Yatsenyuk, Prime Minister of Ukraine (2014–present)

Monarch – Elizabeth II, Queen of the United Kingdom (1952–present)
Prime Minister – David Cameron, Prime Minister of the United Kingdom (2010–present)

Lieutenant-Governor – Adam Wood, Lieutenant Governor of the Isle of Man (2011–present)
Chief Minister – Allan Bell, Chief Minister of the Isle of Man (2011–present)

Lieutenant-Governor –
Peter Walker, Lieutenant-Governor of Guernsey (2011–2015)
Sir Richard Collas, Acting Lieutenant-Governor of Guernsey (2015–present)
Chief Minister – Jonathan Le Tocq, Chief Minister of Guernsey (2014–present)

Lieutenant-Governor – Sir John McColl, Lieutenant-Governor of Jersey (2011–present)
Chief Minister – Ian Gorst, Chief Minister of Jersey (2011–present)

Governor –
Sir James Dutton, Governor of Gibraltar (2013–2015)
Alison MacMillan, Acting Governor of Gibraltar (2015–present)
Chief Minister – Fabian Picardo, Chief Minister of Gibraltar (2011–present)

Monarch – Pope Francis, Sovereign of Vatican City (2013–present)
President of the Governorate – Cardinal Giuseppe Bertello, President of the Governorate of Vatican City (2011–present)
Holy See (sui generis subject of public international law)
Secretary of State – Cardinal Pietro Parolin, [l] Cardinal Secretary of State (2013–present)
North America[edit]

Governor – Christina Scott, Governor of Anguilla (2013–present)
Chief Minister –
Hubert Hughes, Chief Minister of Anguilla (2010–2015)
Victor Banks, Chief Minister of Anguilla (2015–present)

Monarch – Elizabeth II, Queen of Antigua and Barbuda (1981–present)
Governor-General – Sir Rodney Williams, Governor-General of Antigua and Barbuda (2014–present)
Prime Minister – Gaston Browne, Prime Minister of Antigua and Barbuda (2014–present)

Governor – Fredis Refunjol, Governor of Aruba (2004–present)
Prime Minister – Mike Eman, Prime Minister of Aruba (2009–present)

Monarch – Elizabeth II, Queen of the Bahamas (1973–present)
Governor-General – Dame Marguerite Pindling, Governor-General of the Bahamas (2014–present)
Prime Minister – Perry Christie, Prime Minister of the Bahamas (2012–present)

Monarch – Elizabeth II, Queen of Barbados (1966–present)
Governor-General – Sir Elliott Belgrave, Governor-General of Barbados (2012–present)
Prime Minister – Freundel Stuart, Prime Minister of Barbados (2010–present)

Monarch – Elizabeth II, Queen of Belize (1981–present)
Governor-General – Sir Colville Young, Governor-General of Belize (1993–present)
Prime Minister – Dean Barrow, Prime Minister of Belize (2008–present)

Governor – George Fergusson, Governor of Bermuda (2012–present)
Premier – Michael Dunkley, Premier of Bermuda (2014–present)

Governor – John Duncan, Governor of the British Virgin Islands (2014–present)
Premier – Orlando Smith, Premier of the British Virgin Islands (2011–present)

Monarch – Elizabeth II, Queen of Canada (1952–present)
Governor-General – David Johnston, Governor General of Canada (2010–present)
Prime Minister –
Stephen Harper, Prime Minister of Canada (2006–2015)
Justin Trudeau, Prime Minister of Canada (2015–present)

Governor – Helen Kilpatrick, Governor of the Cayman Islands (2013–present)
Premier – Alden McLaughlin, Premier of the Cayman Islands (2013–present)

President – Luis Guillermo Solís, President of Costa Rica (2014–present)

Communist Party Leader – Raúl Castro, First Secretary of the Communist Party of Cuba (2011–present)
President – Raúl Castro, President of the Council of State of Cuba (2008–present)
Premier – Raúl Castro, President of the Council of Ministers of Cuba (2008–present)

Governor – Lucille George-Wout, Governor of Curaçao (2013–present)
Prime Minister –
Ivar Asjes, Prime Minister of Curaçao (2013–2015)
Ben Whiteman, Prime Minister of Curaçao (2015–present)

President – Charles Savarin, President of Dominica (2013–present)
Prime Minister – Roosevelt Skerrit, Prime Minister of Dominica (2004–present)

President – Danilo Medina, President of the Dominican Republic (2012–present)

President – Salvador Sánchez Cerén, President of El Salvador (2014–present)

Monarch – Elizabeth II, Queen of Grenada (1974–present)
Governor-General – Dame Cécile La Grenade, Governor-General of Grenada (2013–present)
Prime Minister – Keith Mitchell, Prime Minister of Grenada (2013–present)

President –
Otto Pérez Molina, President of Guatemala (2012–2015)
Alejandro Maldonado Aguirre, Acting President of Guatemala (2015–present)

President – Michel Martelly, President of Haiti (2011–present)
Prime Minister –
Florence Duperval Guillaume, Acting Prime Minister of Haiti (2014–2015)
Evans Paul, Prime Minister of Haiti (2015–present)

President – Juan Orlando Hernández, President of Honduras (2014–present)

Monarch – Elizabeth II, Queen of Jamaica (1962–present)
Governor-General – Sir Patrick Allen, Governor-General of Jamaica (2009–present)
Prime Minister – Portia Simpson-Miller, Prime Minister of Jamaica (2012–present)

President – Enrique Peña Nieto, President of Mexico (2012–present)

Governor –
Adrian Davis, Governor of Montserrat (2011–2015)
Alric Taylor, Acting Governor of Montserrat (2015)
Elizabeth Carriere, Governor of Montserrat (2015–present)
Premier – Donaldson Romeo, Premier of Montserrat (2014–present)

President – Daniel Ortega, President of Nicaragua (2007–present)

President – Juan Carlos Varela, President of Panama (2014–present)

Prefect – Philippe Chopin, Prefect of Saint Barthélemy (2011–present)
President of the Territorial Council – Bruno Magras, President of the Territorial Council of Saint Barthélemy (2007–present)

Monarch – Elizabeth II, Queen of Saint Kitts and Nevis (1983–present)
Governor-General –
Sir Edmund Lawrence, Governor-General of Saint Kitts and Nevis (2013–2015)
Samuel Weymouth Tapley Seaton, Governor-General of Saint Kitts and Nevis (2015–present)
Prime Minister –
Denzil Douglas, Prime Minister of Saint Kitts and Nevis (1995–2015)
Timothy Harris, Prime Minister of Saint Kitts and Nevis (2015–present)

Monarch – Elizabeth II, Queen of Saint Lucia (1979–present)
Governor-General – Dame Pearlette Louisy, Governor-General of Saint Lucia (1997–present)
Prime Minister – Kenny Anthony, Prime Minister of Saint Lucia (2011–present)

Prefect – Philippe Chopin, Prefect of Saint Martin (2011–present)
President of the Territorial Council – Aline Hanson, President of the Territorial Council of Saint Martin (2013–present)

Prefect – Jean-Christophe Bouvier, Prefect of Saint Pierre and Miquelon (2014–present)
President of the Territorial Council – Stéphane Artano, President of the Territorial Council of Saint Pierre and Miquelon (2006–present)

Monarch – Elizabeth II, Queen of Saint Vincent and the Grenadines (1979–present)
Governor-General – Sir Frederick Ballantyne, Governor-General of Saint Vincent and the Grenadines (2002–present)
Prime Minister – Ralph Gonsalves, Prime Minister of Saint Vincent and the Grenadines (2001–present)

Governor – Eugene Holiday, Governor of Sint Maarten (2010–present)
Prime Minister –
Marcel Gumbs, Prime Minister of Sint Maarten (2014–2015)
William Marlin, Prime Minister of Sint Maarten (2015–present)

President – Anthony Carmona, President of Trinidad and Tobago (2013–present)
Prime Minister –
Kamla Persad-Bissessar, Prime Minister of Trinidad and Tobago (2010–2015)
Keith Rowley, Prime Minister of Trinidad and Tobago (2015–present)

Governor – Peter Beckingham, Governor of the Turks and Caicos Islands (2013–present)
Premier – Rufus Ewing, Premier of the Turks and Caicos Islands (2012–present)

President – Barack Obama, President of the United States (2009–present)

Governor – Alejandro García Padilla, Governor of Puerto Rico (2013–present)

Governor –
John de Jongh, Governor of the United States Virgin Islands (2007–2015)
Kenneth Mapp, Governor of the United States Virgin Islands (2015–present)

Governor – Lolo Matalasi Moliga, Governor of American Samoa (2013–present)

Monarch – Elizabeth II, Queen of Australia (1952–present)
Governor-General – Sir Peter Cosgrove, Governor-General of Australia (2014–present)
Prime Minister –
Tony Abbott, Prime Minister of Australia (2013–2015)
Malcolm Turnbull, Prime Minister of Australia (2015–present)

Administrator – Barry Haase, Administrator of Christmas Island (2014–present)
Shire President – Gordon Thomson, Shire president of Christmas Island (2013–present)

Administrator – Barry Haase, Administrator of Cocos (Keeling) Islands (2014–present)
Shire President –
Aindil Minkom, Shire president of Cocos (Keeling) Islands (2011–2015)
Balmut Pirus, Shire president of Cocos (Keeling) Islands (2015–present)

Administrator – Gary Hardgrave, Administrator of Norfolk Island (2014–present)
Chief Minister – Lisle Snell, Chief Minister of Norfolk Island (2013–2015)
Executive Director – Peter Gesling, Executive Director of Norfolk Island (2015–present)

President –
Ratu Epeli Nailatikau, President of Fiji (2009–2015)
George Konrote, President of Fiji (2015–present)
Prime Minister – Frank Bainimarama, Prime Minister of Fiji (2007–present)

High Commissioner – Lionel Beffre, High Commissioner of the Republic in French Polynesia (2013–present)
President – Édouard Fritch, President of French Polynesia (2014–present)

Governor – Eddie Calvo, Governor of Guam (2011–present)

President – Anote Tong, President of Kiribati (2003–present)

President – Christopher Loeak, President of the Marshall Islands (2012–present)

President –
Manny Mori, President of Micronesia (2007–2015)
Peter M. Christian, President of Micronesia (2015–present)

President – Baron Waqa, President of Nauru (2013–present)

High Commissioner – Vincent Bouvier, High Commissioner of New Caledonia (2014–present)
Head of Government –
Cynthia Ligeard, President of the Government of New Caledonia (2014–2015)
Philippe Germain, President of the Government of New Caledonia (2015–present)

Monarch – Elizabeth II, Queen of New Zealand (1952–present)
Governor-General – Sir Jerry Mateparae, Governor-General of New Zealand (2011–present)
Prime Minister – John Key, Prime Minister of New Zealand (2008–present)

Queen's Representative – Tom Marsters, Queen's Representative of the Cook Islands (2013–present)
Prime Minister – Henry Puna, Prime Minister of the Cook Islands (2010–present)

Premier – Toke Talagi, Premier of Niue (2008–present)

Administrator – Jonathan Kings, Administrator of Tokelau (2011–present)
Head of Government –
Kuresa Nasau, Head of Government of Tokelau (2014–2015)
Siopili Perez, Head of Government of Tokelau (2015–present)

Governor – Eloy Inos, Governor of the Northern Mariana Islands (2013–present)

President – Tommy Remengesau, President of Palau (2013–present)

Monarch – Elizabeth II, Queen of Papua New Guinea (1975–present)
Governor-General – Sir Michael Ogio, Governor-General of Papua New Guinea (2011–present)
Prime Minister – Peter O'Neill, Prime Minister of Papua New Guinea (2011–present)

Governor – Jonathan Sinclair, Governor of the Pitcairn Islands (2014–present)
Mayor – Shawn Christian, Mayor of the Pitcairn Islands (2014–present)

Head of State – Tufuga Efi, O le Ao o le Malo of Samoa (2007–present)
Prime Minister – Tuilaepa Aiono Sailele Malielegaoi, Prime Minister of Samoa (1998–present)

Monarch – Elizabeth II, Queen of the Solomon Islands (1978–present)
Governor-General – Sir Frank Kabui, Governor-General of the Solomon Islands (2009–present)
Prime Minister – Manasseh Sogavare, Prime Minister of the Solomon Islands (2014–present)

Monarch – Tupou VI, King of Tonga (2012–present)
Prime Minister – ʻAkilisi Pohiva, Prime Minister of Tonga (2014–present)

Monarch – Elizabeth II, Queen of Tuvalu (1978–present)
Governor-General – Sir Iakoba Italeli, Governor-General of Tuvalu (2010–present)
Prime Minister – Enele Sopoaga, Prime Minister of Tuvalu (2013–present)

President – Baldwin Lonsdale, President of Vanuatu (2014–present)
Prime Minister –
Joe Natuman, Prime Minister of Vanuatu (2014–2015)
Sato Kilman, Prime Minister of Vanuatu (2015–present)

Administrator Superior – Michel Aubouin, Administrator Superior of Wallis and Futuna (2013–present)
President of the Territorial Assembly – Mikaele Kulimoetoke, President of the Territorial Assembly of Wallis and Futuna (2014–present)
South America[edit]

Cristina Fernández de Kirchner, President of Argentina (2007–2015)
Federico Pinedo, Acting President of Argentina (2015)
Mauricio Macri, President of Argentina (2015–present)

President – Evo Morales, President of Bolivia (2006–present)

President – Dilma Rousseff, President of Brazil (2011–present)

President – Michelle Bachelet, President of Chile (2014–present)

President – Juan Manuel Santos, President of Colombia (2010–present)

President – Rafael Correa, President of Ecuador (2007–present)

Governor – Colin Roberts, Governor of the Falkland Islands (2014–present)
Chief Executive – Keith Padgett, Chief Executive of the Falkland Islands (2012–present)

President –
Donald Ramotar, President of Guyana (2011–2015)
David A. Granger, President of Guyana (2015–present)
Prime Minister –
Sam Hinds, Prime Minister of Guyana (1999–2015)
Moses Nagamootoo, Prime Minister of Guyana (2015–present)

President – Horacio Cartes, President of Paraguay (2013–present)

President – Ollanta Humala, President of Peru (2011–present)
Prime Minister –
Ana Jara, President of the Council of Ministers of Peru (2014–2015)
Pedro Cateriano, President of the Council of Ministers of Peru (2015–present)

President – Dési Bouterse, President of Suriname (2010–present)

President –
José Mujica, President of Uruguay (2010–2015)
Tabaré Vázquez, President of Uruguay (2015–present)

President – Nicolás Maduro, President of Venezuela (2013–present)
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