Thursday, December 3, 2015

Advent - Week 1

We are waiting, O God, for the day of peace. Give us the will to bring that day through our own simple goodness and hope. Fill us with patient desire, that our work may be holy, and our holiness bright, through the Christ for whose coming we long, and the Spirit in whose presence we live.  Amen.

The Nativity Story Bracelet

Long ago in a little town called Nazareth lived Mary (blue bead) and Joseph (green bead). One day the angel Gabriel (white bead) came to Mary and told her that she would have a baby. He would be called Jesus and would be the son of God. Mary was so amazed by what happened. She told her husband-to-be Joseph what the angel had said and after a time she found that she was going to have a baby. When Mary was nearly ready to have her baby King Herod (red bead) said that everyone must go back to where they were born to pay their tax. So Mary and Joseph had to travel to Bethlehem on a donkey (orange bead). It was a very long journey and they arrived in Bethlehem at night. Bethlehem was very busy as many people had come back to pay their tax. Mary and Joseph tried lots of inns to find a bed but they were all full. Finally they found an inn where the innkeeper was very kind and said they could stay in a stable (dark green bead). Mary knew the special baby would be born soon. That night baby Jesus (pink bead) was born. To keep him warm they wrapped him in a cloth and laid him in a manger, with the animals lying peacefully around him. The shepherds (brown beads) were up on the hills when they were suddenly blinded by a bright light. It was an angel (small white bead). She told them a special baby had been born and to follow the bright star (yellow bead) in the sky. At the same time 3 wise men (purple bead, small red bead, dark purple bead) also saw the star. They knew a special baby had been born so they also followed the star. When they found the stable the shepherds gave Jesus a lamb (beige beads). And the wise men gave gold, frankincense and myrrh (small yellow bead). As they all gathered around the baby Jesus, the stars twinkled and the angels sang as the animals watched peacefully they all knew this was a very special day.

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