Saturday, December 5, 2015

Advent Week 1

We are waiting, O God, for the day of peace. Give us the will to bring that day through our own simple goodness and hope. Fill us with patient desire, that our work may be holy, and our holiness bright, through the Christ for whose coming we long, and the Spirit in whose presence we live.  Amen.

Tonight we prepare our hearts for tomorrows worship.  We remember that we are hoping for Christs coming again.  Tomorrow we will remember the sacrifice He made for each of us through His death and Resurrection.  Since tomorrow is a day we celebrate Communion here is a fun way to read through the Communion liturgy 

Seussical Communion Liturgy

Allie Scott
May the Lord be with you.
And also with you.
May your hearts be lightened and filled with God’s love!
We lift up our hearts and praise God above.
Let us give thanks to the Lord, God our Father.
We thank God and praise Him – it isn’t a bother!
It is right and good-ful; holy and wonderful; blessed and joyful;
To give thanks to you God, Almighty and faithful.
For it’s you that has given us this worship time,
Filled with laughter, some holy humor and rhyme.
It’s you that has shown us your holy love,
That you have sent from heaven high up above.
And so, with your angels who first sang your song,
We proclaim your goodness by singing along:
Holy, holy, holy Lord, God of power and might,
Heaven is filled with your marvelous glory;
Earth is filled with your light.
Blessed is he who comes in your name –
“Hosanna on high!” we loudly proclaim.
Holy God, it’s your Son we remember today,
Jesus Christ, the anointed, whom we try to obey.
He encouraged the poor and freed the oppressed,
And taught us that you care about the distressed.
Through his suffering, death, and resurrection,
He taught that Your grace beats out our imperfection.
He ascended to Heaven and sits there beside you,
But still remains with us in all that we do.
On the night he was taken, he lifted some bread,
He blessed it, and broke it, and here’s what he said:
“Dear friends, this is my body to you that I give.
Take it; share it: in you I will live.
From now on, whenever, wherever you meet
Remember our time when this bread here you eat.”
When supper was over, he then took the cup,
With praise and thanksgiving he lifted it up:
“For the New Covenant, this is my blood;
A sign of the Lord’s continuing love.
For God has forgiven your every mistake,
So trust in God’s love when this drink you partake.”
May we offer ourselves for God’s greater glory,
And proclaim what we know of this fabulous story:
Christ Jesus: he died, but then rose again!
He’ll return here on earth: Hallelujah! Amen.
Holy Spirit, come down on us gathered here,
With this bread and this fruit of the vine please appear.
Make holy this food, fill us with your grace,
So we proclaim gospel to the whole human race.
We love you, Lord Jesus, we’ll shout out again
Your glory and honor:
Amen and Amen!

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