Tuesday, February 17, 2015

The Story Part 13 and 14

Part 13: The King Who Had It All

Timeless Truth: God’s faithful love continues forever.

Bible Basis:   1 Kings 3:1-15, 4:29-30, Proverbs 3:1-18, 2 Chronicles 6:12-7:3, 2 Chronicles 9:1-8, 1 Kings 11:9-13
Key Verse:     “Don’t be wise in your own eyes. Have respect for the Lord” (Proverbs 3:7). 

The Point:
Preschool: God made Solomon a wise leader. God can make me wise, too.
Elementary: God made Solomon a wise leader. God can make me wise, too.
Middle School: Man’s wisdom—even Solomon’s—is limited. God’s love endures forever.
High School: Solomon was the wisest man alive, but he failed to follow his own godly teaching and that led to his downfall.

Table Talk
• God appeared to Solomon in a dream and offered to give him anything he asked for. If God gave you the same offer, what would you ask for?
• Solomon asked for wisdom, so he could be a good king. Do you think that was a good request?
• God liked Solomon’s answer so much that he gave him wisdom, fame and money. What’s the best reward you’ve received for a good answer?
• If you could ask your parents to give you one thing, what would it be?

Middle/High School
• Solomon’s wisdom is legendary. Many of his saying can be found in Proverbs and Ecclesiastes. He begins Proverbs by writing, “Fear of the Lord is the beginning of knowledge, but fools despise wisdom and instruction” (Proverbs 1:7). What does that mean to you?
• Would your teachers and friends agree that the “fear of the Lord is the beginning of knowledge”?
• What would modern-day science say about that statement?
• Is Solomon’s wisdom out of date or does it still apply today? Why?

Living Faith
This activity requires a 20-ounce plastic bottle, warm water, vinegar and baking soda. It’s best to complete this activity outside or in a sink. As you watch the baking soda and vinegar react and fizz out of the bottle, think about what it would’ve been like to watch God’s presence come down and fill the temple.
            Start by putting about two tablespoons of baking soda in the bottom of the bottle. Quickly add a ½ cup of vinegar and ¼ cup of warm water. Step back and watch the bottle fill with foam that bursts out of the top.
            When Solomon prayed for the temple, God’s presence came down. Second Chronicles 7:2 says, “the priests couldn’t enter the temple of the Lord. His glory filled it.” Can you imagine God’s tangible presence filling a building? It was so powerful that people who witnessed it, dropped to their knees and worshiped God.
            For a bonus activity after discussing God’s powerful presence at his temple, get a plastic zipper bag to demonstrate that God’s glory can’t be contained. Be careful as the bag will explode and may create a mess.
            This time put a couple of tablespoons of baking soda in a paper towel and fold it up. Pour a ½ cup of vinegar and a ¼ cup of water into the plastic zipper bag. Drop in the paper towel and quickly zip the bag closed. Give a quick shake to start the reaction, then put the plastic bag on the ground and step away. The bag should puff up and pop with a loud bang.

Extra Mile
Idea #1: Money wasn’t an issue for Solomon. God blessed him with such vast riches that the Bible says silver had little value in Solomon’s kingdom and that the king drank out of a gold goblet. So when Solomon built God’s temple, he spared no expense.
            Even though Solomon had 180,000 workers and 4,000 supervisors on the project, the temple took seven years to complete. It was one of the most majestic structures of the day. Nearly 500 years after the Israelites left Egypt, God’s temple was complete.
            Take a digital video tour of the temple by going to YouTube and watching the 4:58 video called “Solomons Temple.” Read 1 Kings 6 as you watch.
            • Did anything stand out to you in the video?
            • Is there any part of the description of the temple that seems especially majestic?
            • How does Solomon’s temple compare to your church?
            • Does God’s presence still fill buildings today? (Look at Matthew 18:20 for an answer.)
Idea #2: Read the Proverb that mirrors today’s date. (So if it’s the 10th, read Proverbs 10.) After you’re finished, have each family member discuss her favorite verse from what was just read. Encourage each person to memorize one verse from Proverbs. Try this for one day or do it all week!

Part 14: A Kingdom Torn in Two

Timeless Truth: God detests idol worshippers.

Bible Basis:   1 Kings 12:1–33; 14:22–23, 26–28; 15:11–24, 16:29-33
Key Verse:     “Asa did what was right in the eyes of the Lord” (1 Kings 15:11).

The Point:
Preschool: God uses bad things to teach his people. I can learn from mistakes.
Elementary: God uses bad things to teach his people. I can learn from mistakes.
Middle School: When you follow the lie that God can’t give you what you need, it’s easy to turn to idols.
High School: Idol worship isn’t limited to golden cows; many things can pull your attention away from God.

Table Talk
• The people of Judah started fighting against Israel and decided to start their own country. Have you ever had two of your friends fight and decide not to be friends anymore?
• What happened because of this fight?
• Was there a way your friends could’ve settled their differences better?
• In the midst of all these bad kings in Israel and Judah, Asa became king of Judah and “did what was right in the eyes of the Lord” (1 Kings 15:11). Do you think it was hard for him to do good things when everybody around him was making bad choices?
• Tell about a time when others were making poor choices and you decided to follow God. Was it hard? How did it make you feel?

Middle/High School
• Proverbs 13:20 says, “Anyone who walks with wise people grows wise. But a companion of foolish people suffers harm.” Rehoboam’s dad, Solomon, wrote those words. But Rehoboam must’ve been spacing out when Solomon said them, because instead of listening to the counsel of wise elders, Rehoboam listened to his friends when it came to the treatment of the people of Judah. His friends encouraged Rehoboam to tell Jeroboam that bigger whips would be used to beat them. (That’s not a good way to make friends.) Jeroboam went back and split off a new country, Judah, where he was king. What do you think was Rehoboam’s biggest mistake?
• Could Judah splitting from Israel been prevented?
• Have you ever listened to your friends instead of your parents? (Note: Parents you can share a story here, too, from your growing up years.)
• Do you think Solomon’s advice in Proverbs 13:20 is true?

Living Faith
You don’t run into a lot of golden cow worshipers at church these days. But the problem of idols still plagues God followers. Anything that comes before God in your life could be an idol, especially if you look to that thing for comfort or satisfaction. Have all family members fill out the chart to see how they spend their time. At the end, answer some questions to see if any idols have crept into your daily life.
On average how much time each day do you spend doing these things?
Watching TV
Playing Video Games
Texting/ talking on phone
Reading Bible and praying
Being on the Computer
Time Spent:

None of the activities are in and of themselves sinful; however, if they consume all your time and pull you away from God, they could become an idol. In today’s society money, fame, possessions, career advancement, popularity and other things rule people’s lives. Ask:
            • What area in your life do you think has the greatest possibility of becoming an idol?
            • How can you prevent that from happening?
            • What changes can you make in your schedule to show God that he’s first in your life?

Extra Mile
Only the one true God is worthy of our worship. King Solomon opened the door to idol worship, and then Israel and Judah forsook the Lord to follow false gods.
            Go to YouTube and watch the 4:29 video showing the lyrics of the song “I will worship You – Matthew Ward.” Have a pencil and paper ready. Write down all of the characteristics of God mentioned in the song. “My God is faithful, truthful . . .”
            • Think about the things people worship today (fame, money, etc.). Can any of those things boast the same characteristics that God possesses?
            • One of the lines says, “I will worship you for the things you’ve done in me.” Have family members share something the Lord has done in them.
            • Deuteronomy 6:13 says, “Worship the Lord your God. He is the only one you should serve.” Write that verse on an index card and stick it on the refrigerator. Encourage everybody in your family to memorize it this week. Plan something fun as a family if everybody accomplishes this goal.

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