Monday, December 17, 2018

Advent A to Z

R - Reindeer
Read Psalm 139:13-14

Dasher and Dancer, and Prancer and Vixen, Comet and Cupid, and Donder and Blitzen ... and Rudolph of course. I know all their names. But except for Rudolph, I don't think I could tell them apart. In the pictures I see one reindeer looks pretty much like the other. Is that how you see people? Like reindeer? Are we so much alike that one of us could be another one, with only different names? No, I don't think so. You know who I am, don't you? You know me by name, but more than that - you know me! You know what makes me different from everybody else and you love me all by myself. Even without antlers I am very special in your sight.

Sunday, December 16, 2018

Advent A to Z

Q - Quiet
Read Matthew 27:11-14

"Quiet" they yell at me, often very loudly, and sometimes when I didn't know that I was being loud... or when I was excited and I had something special to say or do or ask or when I was just happy. You know that too, don't you? There was a time when you were quiet too, and it was hard, when they told lies about you or wanted you to come down from the cross. But you kept quiet then, and suffered there for them and for me too, didn't you? So please help me keep quiet too, when I should; help me to listen and obey, to learn and grow. But when I ought to speak out, help me then too!

Saturday, December 15, 2018

Advent A to Z

P - Peek
Read 1 John 1:7

I'm not supposed to peek. There are a lot of things I'm not supposed to do, people are not always telling me, "don't do this" and "don't do that" and now peeking is one more of them. O God, sometimes it's hard not to do what I am not supposed to do, especially when what I'm not supposed to do is as tempting as peeking. Sometimes it's far more serious, too, like when it has to do with disobeying, especially when that's disobeying you! Forgive me, Lord, for Jesus' sake, the things I've done that I was not supposed to do. Wash me clean from every sin, and help me then, by your own Spirit's power, to do the things I should as your dear child and not to do the things I shouldn't do. Even peeking!

Friday, December 14, 2018

Advent A to Z

O - Old
Read Luke 2:25-32

Sometimes I want to be older than I am. Older people have more fun, I think; they are able to do more things than I can. But then I see some people who are really old, and I begin to wonder. They can't run the way I do, or play all day without getting tired and having to stop. Sometimes they have to  live in wheelchairs, or nursing homes, or hospital beds. And they don't always remember very well or sometimes they remember more than what I wanted to know. Lord, if older people are there to help me when I need it is there something I can do for them, maybe just one special one of them especially at Christmas?

Thursday, December 13, 2018

Advent A to Z

N - Night
Read Luke 2:8

"Silent night" the famous carol says: "O Holy Night," says another one and then "While Shepherds watched their Flocks by Night," "It Came Upon the Midnight Clear." Normally night is a time for sleeping, a time to say my prayers and close my eyes and trust you, Lord, to keep me safe until the morning comes. At Christmas, though, it's different. The day is special, that is true, but on that day the night is too, because that night was filled with you! Because you came that holy night, now every night is filled with you. You stay awake the whole night through, protecting me, so I can do the things that I have sung to you: "Sleep in heavenly peace."

Wednesday, December 12, 2018

Advent A to Z

M - Mary
Read Luke 1:34-38

In almost all the Christmas pictures that I see Mary, Your Mother, is smiling - usually not a great big grin but just a gentle kind of smile that seems to say that she was happy - more than that, that she was honored to be chosen for so great a task, to be the mother of the Lord, to care for you and watch you grow and help you grow till you become a man. That smile says a lot about her attitude. "I am the handmaid of the Lord," she told the angel once. And was she smiling then, surprised and honored as she must have been? That smile says a lot about her attitude. It says a lot about you too, and what it means to trust the Lord in everything and serve you faithfully, with a smile. I am your servant too, O Lord! Help me to serve you with trusting faith, and with a smile.

Tuesday, December 11, 2018

Advent A to Z

K is for Kris Kringle
Read Philippians 2:9-11

Kris Kringle ... Santa Claus.. Saint Nicholas ... Father Christmas... in some parts of the world Pere Noel ... they're all different names but they all stand for the same thing, and when people use them, they know what they mean. Jesus, Savior, Our Redeemer, Prince of Peace, King of Kings, Lord and Master, Teacher, Helper, Great High Priest and "what a friend" are all different names too. When I think of Santa Clause I have a pretty good picture in my mind. But when I think of you, Lord, sometimes I get mixed up. I see you as a baby in the manger and then as a grown man later, dying on the cross, then bright shining, rising from the grave. It's all the same, isn't it? Whatever name, whatever picture, your love is the same.

Devotional by Arden Mead

Advent A to Z

L is for Love

Read Romans 5:8

Lord, what exactly is love? If someone would ask me I'm not sure I could explain it, but I am sure that I know what it is... because I have felt it. I know the people I love very much and I know they love me even if I can't explain it. And also by the things I do and some things I don't do when I shouldn't and by the things they also do for me. I know you love me, Lord. I know because you've told me so in the Bible, and also by the things you've done I can feel it. And I love you, too, Lord. You know that, don't you by things I say and things I do, for you! I hope that you can feel it too!

Devotional by Arden Mead

Monday, December 10, 2018

Advent A to Z

J is for Joy
Read Luke 2:10

I'm so happy to be happy. Does that sound like a funny thing to say? Then I am happy that it's funny. It's the time of year when there is so much to be happy about. What should make me happiest of all, I know, is You! If it weren't for you, all the rest of this wouldn't happen at all. And even if it did, it wouldn't last and be happy forever, the way your kind of joy is. I'm so happy to be happy. Thank you for being the reason for all my joy. Help me show my happiness in all I say and do not only now at Christmas time but all year through. Oh, by the way, I hop you're happy too!

Devotional by Arden Mead

Sunday, December 9, 2018

A to Z of Advent

H - Holiday
Read 1 Thessalonias 5:16-18
What's the difference between a holiday and a holy day? Why is it that "holiday" sounds like something fun, but "holy day" sounds serious, like dressing up and sitting quietly and having to behave? O Lord, can't it be fun to be holy, at least sometimes? Isn't it all right to smile and maybe even shout for joy or sing? At Christmas time I get to be happy about all kinds of places where I get to go; things are different for now, and I guess that's what makes it a holiday. But it's a holy day too.
Lord, help me to be happy about that too, and help me to find a way to show my happiness.

I - Inn
"There was no room for them in the inn." the Christmas story says. And that is sad. Why wasn't there? Was it really so crowded that they couldn't find a little place for Mary's baby to be born? Or didn't they want to? Lord, is my heart like that inn sometimes? Especially with Christmas on the way? Are there so many other things to fill it up that I don't have the room I should for you? And do I always want to? As busy as these holidays become as full of happy things to see and to do help me never to forget the reason for them all. This Christmas, Jesus, Let there be room for you!

Read Luke 2:6-7

Saturday, December 8, 2018

A to Z of Advent

G is for Gifts

Read Romans 6:23

I don't mean to be greedy, but I do get excited when I think about the gifts that I will get for Christmas. It's nice to be given things; it's even nice to look forward to what they might be. Is that why you keep telling us that your great love comes to us as a gift? Not something we can earn or something we deserve, but as a gift freely given, dearly paid for by the blood of Jesus Christ. Oh, help me to be as excited about that great gift as I am about all the others I look forward to. And help me find some way to offer it to others too, along with all the other gifts I give, that we may all have something to look forward to, something even more than Christmas gifts.

Devotional by Arden Mead

Friday, December 7, 2018

Advent A to Z

F is Family and Friends

Wouldn't it be terrible to have to celebrate Christmas all by myself? Part of the fun of the season is having other people to share it with, especially people who are. Jesus, I am glad that you were not alone on the first Christmas either, but that Mary and Joseph there, and shepherds too, and wise men, to help you celebrate.
Part of the fun is having other people to share it with. And so I understand how hard it must have been for you to suffer and die later all by yourself. That must have been awful!
Thank you, for doing that alone for me so that I never have to be alone again.
Thank you for friends and family who help make Christmas more fun to celebrate. Help me be a friend to anyone who feels alone and needs someone to share with as a family.

Devotional by Arden Mead

Thursday, December 6, 2018

Advent A to Z

E - Eggnog
Read Isaiah 43:19

This is the time of year for special tastes and smells. Some of them I like a lot like cookies, and some I don't care for very much... but still, they're special, and all are signs that Christmas is drawing near. When you became a baby, Jesus, everything was new and special? or was it old, something you remembered or already knew about from... before?
Eggnog is something different to do with eggs - right at the time when I thought I knew all there was to know about eggs. you don't fry or scramble or boil it - its different and kind of good. I guess I don't know everything about Christmas either. help me find something different this year, Jesus and help me understand how really good your surprise goodness is.

devotional by Arden Mead

Wednesday, December 5, 2018

Advent A to Z

D is for Donkey
Read Zechariah 9:9

Did Mary really ride a donkey to Bethlehem? Was it a bumpy ride? Was she uncomfortable? Or was she thankful for that little animal that worked so hard to carry her there? You rode a donkey once, too, didn't you? On Palm Sunday you came into Jerusalem not on a horse but a humble donkey. And were you thankful too for that small animal who worked so hard to carry you there?
The Bible says that you were thankful for the children singing out your praises that bright day. Even though children are little, like donkeys, we work hard to sing your praises and welcome you at Christmas time.
Thank you Lord, for hearing us, and for being thankful for all the little things we try so hard to do for you.

Devotional by Arden Mead

Tuesday, December 4, 2018

Advent A to Z

C - Candles
Read Ephesians 5:8

Christmas is a time for candles, shining bright, beginning with the Advent wreath, where "bright" gets brighter week by week, until the day has come.
Dear God, help me to be like Christmas candles. Help me let my light shine, as Jesus told me to, that I may be a Christmas candle, making Advent brighter, day by day and week by week, for You.
I need your love, O God, to light my flame. And, since it is so small and frail, I need Your power and Your protection to keep it glowing day by day. And I need other people, too, to be like other candles shinging brightly all around me, helping me to let my own light shine.
Lord, help me let my own light shine not only "bright" but brighter week by week and day by day until You come!

Devotional by Arden Mead

Monday, December 3, 2018

Advent A to Z

Oh Jesus, does it ever bother you that Christmas is your birthday but everyone gives Christmas gifts to everybody else and nobody gives anything to you?
And everyone says “Merry Christmas” to everyone else - which is, I guess, like saying “Happy Jesus’ birthday!”
Does anyone say anything to you? And cards sent like birthday cards to everybody everywhere, except you. And people ask, “What would you like at Christmas time this year?” And we make lists of what we want. Does anyone ask you?
What would you like for your birthday Jesus?
I don’t know where to send a card, so let me just say it... “happy birthday Jesus!”

Like 1:35

Devotion written by Arden Mead

Sunday, December 2, 2018

Advent A to Z

A - Angel

An angel came to Mary once, to tell her some good news: she was going to have a baby, a very special baby - Jesus was coming to be our Savior, Christ the Lord, and that's the best good news of all!
And angels came to Bethlehem, to tell the shepherds waiting there the same good news: Jesus was coming to be our Savior, Christ the Lord, and that's the best good news of all!
O God, I wish I had n angel to tell me that good news. How excited I would be to hear one say to me, "Jesus is coming, Christ the Lord!"
That really is the best good news of all. If I can't have an angel, God then can I be one? Oh, help me find some way to say (to someone who is waiting too, and needs good news): "Jesus is coming, Christ the Lord!"

Advent! Come, Lord Jesus, Come

This is a crazy noisy world. Even if we manage to turn off the music, news, TV and social media for a while, our inner "noise" can sometimes rush in to fill the void. Even in quiet moments of solitude, our minds race from one thought to the next, from one worry to the next. With Christmas coming quickly, our minds our busier than ever with activities, obligations, and finances.
In those noisy inner moments, let's take a deep breath and remember that Jesus came as a baby. It doesn't get any simpler or smaller than a baby. Jesus didn't come for our Christmas presents, either. He came for us. He wants who we are, not anything we can do.
Today, let's remember baby Jesus and hold him for just a few minutes, quieting our minds and opening our hearts to be filled with his love.

This week pay attention to the "noise" in your life today and those things that you allow to disturb your peace. Whenever possible, turn off the noise, whether it be inside or outside your thoughts, and say a small prayer in its place: "Come, Lord Jesus, come."

Wednesday, May 30, 2018

Wonder Wednesdays!

Wonder Wednesday

We are excited about this summer and all that we are going to be doing during the nine 
weeks of summer break! Our theme is "I Wonder!" Wonder Wednesdays for short. 
We have all been asked the questions from kids and know that they are naturally curious. 
They ask questions like I wonder what this tastes like? 
I wonder if this will work if I put it here? I wonder what it would be like to do it this way? 
I wonder who made me and why? This summer we are going to answer some of their wonder 
questions and ask some more "I wonder" questions together.

You are welcome to join us as times as you are able! All events are subject to change
but we will have something every Wednesday at 1:00 - 3 and 6 - 7:30. Watch our
Facebook and bulletin for changes. Each of these events is being planned by
Sheri Clark and Bekah Franklin. See them for more details.

Afternoon Wonder Events (1:00 - 3:00 p.m.)

June 6 - Bounce into Summer

June 13 - Movie Day

June 20 - Marion County Public Library

June 27 - Science Museum

July 4 - No Wonder Wednesday

July 11 - Marion County Public Library

July 18 - Music!

July 25 - Medical Day

August 1 - Water Day

Evening Wonder Events (6:00 - 7:30 p.m.)

June 6 - Bounce Into Summer

June 13 - Rock 'n Roll

June 20 - Vacation Bible School

June 27 - Science Museum

July 4 - No Wonder Wednesday

July 11 - Super Heroes!

July 18 - Making Music!!

July 25 - Cooking Together

August 1 - Water Day

Thursday, January 25, 2018

Easter is coming!

With the season of cold and flu we tend to get out of our routines. We miss meetings because of snow and sickness. We hermit in our homes because it is to cold and dark to get out. As we look forward to warmer days, lets encourage each other to get back into our routines. Join us for worship, a mini Easter each week. And a mid week check point is our Wednesday night Bible study.
A few Sunday ago as we were saying the Lord's prayer a child shouted "Easter is coming!" It would seem to be strange but we always talk about the church seasons and on our calendar the season of Lent is next, which means, Easter is coming!
As the season of Lent approaches we ask the children to do two things. Take something on and give something up. Taking something on can be as simple as saying prayer before meals or joining us for Wednesday Bible Study. Giving something up can be food or complaining. What is it that God would like for you to take on and to give up this Lent season?