Monday, March 20, 2017

God Loves Us

In the stories we read yesterday we learned about three things that were lost and found. In each of these three stories there is something that is treasured that is missing. In my children's moment, I talked about my favorite socks being lost after I moved. This was a true story, they are my favorite socks and I have had them since middle school.  I love my socks and wear them all the time. Until when we moved I placed them in one of the many bags and when we unpacked I couldn't find one of them. I looked all over and figured it was lost. I looked for three years and one day I was cleaning under one of our bed and I found it. I was so excited to find my now dusty sock. I have no clue why it was there and how it got there but it didn't matter my lost sock was found!
God treasures us more than I did my sock and more than we will ever imagine. Do you feel treasured by God? Many times we are like the son who had spent all his money and decided to be a servant for his father. We feel like we have to earn our love from God. He loves us so deeply that we don't have to do anything to earn it and we can never lose it.

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