Thursday, March 23, 2017

Lost Coins

In the hymn Amazing Grace there is a line that says I once was lost but now I am found. We at one time or another have been lost. I am not talking about physically lost although I don't know many who don't have a story about being lost in the store or in the parking lot or on their way to a friends house. The lost we are talking about here is Spiritually, when we have taken a wrong turn away from God. A few years ago I took a wrong turn. As I look back on that time now I realize that I moved not God but also it was God who came looking for me. I didn't go looking for Him because at the time I didn't know I was lost. The women in the story was the one who went looking for the coin. The coin didn't jump out and say "HEY! I'm over here!" God is the one who comes after the lost. The Good Shepherd looks for his lost sheep. This parable of the lost coin has so many symbols and meanings. But here are a couple that you can share with your family.
1. Jesus is our light. John 8:12 tells us that Jesus is the light of the world. In the parable the lady lights a lamp to help her find the lost coin. Jesus is our light that leads the lost to eternal life.
2. Everyone has value and is worth looking for. She still had 9 coins but she went hunting for that 10th one because it has value and is worth finding.
3. Celebration should be a part of our lives and when a person repents of their sins we should celebrate together.
4.  Our stories can help those who are lost and also our stories of being found are to be celebrated.

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