Saturday, March 15, 2014


Who has performed and done this, calling the generations from the beginning? I, the Lord, the first, and with the last; I am he.
Isaiah 41:4

Saturday Prayer

To much pressure, O Lord, is placed upon me.  My family sometimes expects so much of me that I am not certain I can fully meet their expectations.  Remind me daily that I have not been left alone to meet the needs of my family; you care for your children through me.  You, Heavenly Father, are the first and last to meet all the needs of your people.  Let me not place undue pressure on myself, but instead trust fully in your unending care and sustenance.   Amen.

Saturday Meditation

Some people’s lives are destroyed often because of what people say about them.  Often our lives look like a zigzag on that line of our little life.  If we are above the line when we have what we need and people speak well about us, we are quite excited.  That gives me a sense of goodness.  But as soon as we start losing things or people start talking negatively about us, we quickly get depressed… When you go back and forth from excitement to depression, whether you have or have not, you are very much a victim of the world.  You are very much the victim of your environment.  What I want you to sense, just for a moment, is that if you believe that you are what you have or that you are what other people say about you, the world around you has a lot of power, it can make you feel bad or make you feel good.
-          Henri Nouwen

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