Saturday, March 29, 2014


Come, let us return to the Lord; for it is he who has torn, and he will heal us.
Hosea 6:1

Saturday Prayer

Good Shepherd, being a caretaker has drained me in many ways. When I want rest, my help is needed.  When I want a night off, my vigilance is required.  When I need care, there is no one around to care for me.  O Lord, the cross of health that I carry as a caretaker is draining.  Restore my soul.  Renew my heart.  Reinvigorate my ability to care for others.  You are the Good Shepherd ever looking after your flock.  Let me never be ashamed to say that you are my Good Shepherd.  Amen.

Saturday Meditation      

Jesus wanted his disciples then and now to understand that we are sent into the world just as he was sent into the world – to heal, to cure and to proclaim the good news.  Trust in that healing power.  Trust that if we are living as the beloved we will heal people whether or not we are aware of it.  But we have to be faithful to that call.  Healing happens often by leading people to gratitude, because the world is full of resentment.  What is resentment?  It is cold anger. I’m angry with him.  I’m angry at this situation.  This is not the way I want it.  We tend to divide our past into good things to remember with gratitude and painful things to accept or reject.  Once we accept this division, however, we quickly develop a mentality in which we hope to collect more good memories than bad memories, more things to be grateful for than things to be resentful about, more things to celebrate than to complain about.
-          Henri Nouwen

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